Oof I Fell

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 The team leader transformed as the rest of the team took their places. "Blueband you take care of the man while we get the car out," he instructed, reaching down for the car, perfectly positioned in the nick of the bridge and the jagged earth. "On it," Blueband replied, her brown-haired holoform hopping out and reaching down for a man hanging on by a small branch in the cliff. She pulled him up safely on solid ground but slipped as she adjusted her footing. She let out a high pitched scream as she plunged down towards the river. The river rushed nearer and nearer to her, and she yelled again, calling out louder for help. She shut her eyes closed, expecting to slam into the water, but instead, she slammed into a large metal hand. She groaned from the pain as it lifted her up and rolled her onto the ground. The team medic's holoform looked up, wincing at the blinding sun. She lifted her hand to block the sun, then fixed her gaze on her rescuer, a red firetruck who didn't seem approving of her mistake. Lifting herself, Blueband shook herself off of the dizziness, then took over caring for her patient. "Dr Blue," she introduced, offering her hand to him pleasantly, "pleased to meet you." He shook her hand, shaking from the impact. As soon as he introduced himself as Dan, and that he was visiting on vacation, the medic jumped to the injuries. "I see you have a snake bite, Dan," she asked, pointing out the two swollen bites on his ankle, "do you have any other injuries?" "No just the snake but, and I think it was poisonous." Dan shook his head, thinking aloud, "It had red and yellow stripes." Blueband immediately waved Danielle over as she pulled out a restricting bandage. "Alright well I'm going to put this on the wound," she announced as she wrapped it around his ankle, "and I'll send you to the hospital for some antivenom." Danielle stood beside her as she scribbled down some information on a scrap piece of paper, then handed it to her. "Danielle, can you and your rescue bot take Dan to the hospital for some antivenom?" she instructed, "I wrote down what I did on here for your reference." "You got it," she replied, climbing into her orange and white helicopter with the patient, "and thanks. Call me Dani."

Blueband's holoform drove around at Cody's direction, turning this way and that as he talked about the buildings. "Wait!" He exclaimed, and she slammed on her brakes. He hopped out, walking in front of her and stooping down to pick a fluffy, white cat up. It squirmed in his arms, jumping out and running away. "That's Mrs. Neederlander's cat!" He exclaimed, starting to run after the cat "We need to get him!" "Who?" Blueband demanded, already having lost sight of the cat. Cody had already vanished before she could get an answer. She sighed and started driving ahead and turning a corner. She spotted a flash of white around the right corner, and she followed it and mentally face-palmed herself when she saw it was a narrow alley. She turned another corner and looked into the darkness between the buildings. Blueband found nothing and drove on until she started making circles

After having driven for what seemed years, she turned a corner but found nothing but more houses, and she sighed heavily. "Cody? Hello?" she called quietly on the intercom, "Wow I bet Ratchet would be so proud of me right now." She made a left turn, finally reaching something other than houses. The wooden dock was empty, leading her to the coast. She stopped, and her holoform hopped out. She stared out into the endless ocean, where the sunset blinded her. She winced slightly, putting her hand over the sun. "Blueband?" Heatwave commed, "What are you doing?" She turned around, looking back at the town. "Well I've got myself into a sort of pickle," she began, fiddling nervously with the hem of her scrubs. "I think I've-" "Say no more, we're coming your way." he interrupted, having already made his decision. She sighed again, lightly and sadly this time.

The sun had begun to sink beneath the waves, dimming as it sunk lower and lower. Purples and pinks and oranges were painted across the sky like watercolor, and the stars had begun to sparkle way above. "It's a lovely sunset, isn't it?" A man dressed in a similar purple stood beside her, hands folded behind his back in a dignified way. "Yeah," she smiled, then fear hit her hard and she stepped away from him, "wait who are you?" He chuckled, a relaxed smile growing on his neatly groomed face. "You have no need to fear," he said with an outstretched hand, "I'm Dr Morocco, pleased to meet you." She peered down at his gloved hand, then glanced back up at him before shaking it. "So you're a doctor as well?" Blueband asked, "I'm Dr Blue." Dr Morocco looked at her for a moment, then asked, "Are you new? I don't think I've seen you around here."

"Yes," she shrugged sheepishly, "I just transferred the other day." He smiled kindly at her, bowing slightly. "Well, welcome to Griffin Rock, Dr Blue."

"Thank you," she returned his smile, "and may I ask why you dress formally?"

"Oh, well, I always enjoy to dress up a bit," he explained, "and besides, I'm a different type of doctor."

"Of what sorts?" she blinked, her mind buzzing about this stranger. "Well, I work with science and engineering," he replied, adjusting his cuff-links and his monocle.

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edit 3: 2/24/20

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