"I can take care of myself, I actually.."

"No, you can't" Rane interrupted her before she could finish with her fallacy, "You can't go out"

Cyane bent her face and entered the postulant, she was angry at her aunt and at Seden too.

Seden saw her expression when she left, his heart went out to her. She was young and had no idea that staying in the postulant was for her own protection.
"You should still take it easy on her, she has a lot to learn, she is young and needs guidance"

"Which I'm trying to give" Rane took the apples from him, "What about my brother?"

"Antonio would be here soon, he is with the kitchener and you know probably trying to eat more than he can take"

"Who's trying to eat more than he can take?" Antonio's brows furrowed as he tried to make out what his friend and sister were talking about.

"No one" Seden replied sharply, Antonio's gaze shifted to Rane and she too feigned ignorance.

"I came to see the little one"
His gaze darted round until he guessed that probably she had gone in and he began making his way in with the two of them.

Where is she?" Antonio inquired

"In her room" Rane gestured to the door

"Ok" he smiled and entered the room, the scent of yellow chrysanthemums hit him and he smiled, he sighted the flower placed in a pot close to the window. The sunlight radiating it's beauty as it stood with pride.
She had found it on the floor away from the garden and couldn't let it wither and die, she begged him to get her a flower pot from the garden which he did. He couldn't deny her request, she was a sweet little girl and when he told her the meaning of the flower she loved it more.
When he asked what made her like it, she had told him that she fell for its beauty the moment she saw it. It was love at first sight and it was the colour of the sun.

It became her favorite flower, she had wanted to get more but he wouldn't let her, the garden was prohibited from children and outsiders and she was a child.

"Cyane" He called

She replied with a hum

"What are you doing?" He tilted his neck to catch a glimpse of what she was doing and he saw her just playing with her fingers

"Nothing" her lips were pouted, she lay on the bed with her legs crossed as she faced the wall away from him.
He walked closer to where she was with a smile on his lips

"If you are doing nothing I would like to show you something"
Her eyes lit up, her little mind was curious. She wanted to know what he wanted to show her.
"We are going out?"
"Yes we are" she got up from the bed and hurried to his side.
Antonio bent down to her level, "Still unhappy?"
"Not anymore"
Their hands interlocked as they left the room and headed towards the exit
"Where are you going?" Rane stood up from where she was sitting
"I want to show her something"
"No, outside"

"No" She shook her head

Cyane looked at Antonio, her eyes pleaded for him to try harder and he obliged, after all he really wanted to show her something.

"We won't be long"

"I don't want her to go that far" Rane got closer to them, Cyane went behind his back

"And why can't she leave?"

"Because I'm her guardian"

"And so am I and so is Seden"

Seden nodded.

"I still don't want her to leave brother and you know why"

"She would be safe with me, you know that too"

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