part 45

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Tee's PoV

i woke up in the morning because i heard like someone was chanting a mantra ,

it's echoing ..

sometimes it felt close but sometimes it's fading , like something you heard from the earphone, i've been hearing this for days but this time it sound louder than before

i thought it was uncle Singto but it's not his voice , i knew that, so i get up to find the voice , but something unexpected happened

how could i see myself still sleeping and laying on the bed

but i couldnt touch my body

i called for p'Phun and p'Ohm , but nobody came

i ran to the door but i couldnt touch it as well , i could pass through the door just like that , just like ghosts in the horror movie

why did i was kicked out from Beam's body ?

i stepped out from my room , p'Phun and p'Ohm already outside , they're preparing the water for me , they really couldnt see me or even hear me , i was passing them by just like that

then i followed the voice , my head felt so heavy , i was struggling to walk ,

the voice was coming from the back side of the house , i never got inside that room anyway , because i thought it was a storeroom or something , but i was sure that the voice coming from that room , it sounded louder and clearer as i was walking closer

i was about to enter that room but suddenly i felt like i was being dragged away and i came back to my body before , the sleeping Beam

"Beam ! " Forth held my hand "Beam .. wake up ..!!"

i slowly opened my eyes to see Forth , p'Phun , p'Lam and p'Ohm surrounded me and looking at me in worry ,

"Forth .."

"Beam ?? are you okay ? " Forth touched my face all over

i was confused , i didnt feel anything , but they looked at me like i was dying or something

"i'm okay .. and .... why everyone's here ?"

"young master , we wanted to wake you up but you didnt awake then .. your body felt so cold ! " p'Phun almost cried "we were so worried"

"hey hey hey .. dont cry p'Phun ... i'm alright , see ??" i gave him my hands to touch , just like the first time i met p'Phun and P'Ohm

"but .. but your hands felt so cold .. " p'Phun really cried

"are you alright Beam ? i'll call the doctor for you .." Forth touched my forehead

"no need .. i'm alright Forth , dont worry , i just feel a little cold .. maybe .. " i tapped Forth's hand

"NO ! the doctor have to check you up " Forth gave his stern look "you have to obey me .."

he acted like aunt Yaya now , i caressed his cheek "alright Forth .." and smiled "you're going to the palace now ?"

Forth nodded "yes , with khun pho as well .. " he continued and held my hands "something big happened , and hope it's something good .. "

"take care na .." i kissed his cheek

"Phun , Ohm .. take care of your master !! dont let him walking around , make sure he stays in bed , bring him enough blanket , make sure Beam stays warm " Forth told p'Phun and p'Ohm like a military commander "ah ! also , ask the servant to cook warm ginger chicken soup for Beam .."

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