part 26

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Khun Tharn, General Joss and his son Mingkwan pay a visit to khun Singto's house , also for discussing some serious official matter , General Joss so against khun Joong, he believed that khun Joong have a bad intention

Khun Tharn agreed and felt the same about it , that's why they have a talk without khun Tawan , because khun Tharn knew his brother will defend khun Joong at all cost. General Joss was so furious he even wondered what did khun Joong gave to khun Tawan or what deal did khun Joong made for him

"khun pho , we cant judge that way .. it's uncle Tawan .." Mingkwan calmed his father

"because it's Tawan , i knew him .." General Joss replied

Khun Tharn nodded "i have to say i'm agree with P'Joss , P'Tawan loves money and wealth so much , i cant help but wonder as well .."

"i only worry if Tawan will get a bad luck someday .. " Khun Singto added "we cant go reckless on khun Joong since he gained His Majesty favor .. and Joss .. i hope you will hold yourself better to him .. don't confront him too much "

"i cant help but dying to rip his face everytime i see him " General Joss continued "but at least His Majesty agreed to send Mingkwan , Phana and Forth to oversee the fortress development on south border , so let's take a look if we found something fishy there .."

Khun Singto and everyone else nodded . Forth , Mingkwan and Pha appointed by His Majesty to check the south border , His Majesty planned to build new fortresses there , all the officials protested about it , because it still unnecessary and absolutely will spend a lot of money , but His Majesty already gave his words .


khun ying Yaya came and brought them snacks and desserts, and cool down the serious talks they had

"aunt havent seen you for long time , you're getting more handsome na Mingkwan .." khun ying Yaya praised Mingkwan but suddenly stop when she saw a bruise on Mingkwan's temple "ei ? what's wrong with your face na son ?"

Mingkwan touched his temple and smiled "something happened few days ago at the market aunt Yaya .. "

General Joss added "he had a fight with some bandits at the market to help someone " he shook his head "show off your skill to get someone's attention, dont you ?" everyone laughed

"i told you it's not khun pho .. he even helped me to take down that bandits .. he wore a nice and expensive clothes , but he's unlike any other noble , he cared so much about his servants , and bravely stood for them "

"if you like him then i will ask his family for a marriage " General Joss stated

everyone teased Mingkwan , as the oldest son in there , how he should've had someone to marry already, but Mingkwan insisted that he didnt like that person , he only admired how brave is he

khun Tharn agreed with General Joss "you're this smart and handsome , who will reject your proposal ? which family he came from ? if he's a noble we should know him .."

Mingkwan shook his head "i dont know uncle Tharn , i only know his name " Mingkwan continue "it's Baramee .. Baramee Vongviphan"

*khun ying's glass dropped*
*Forth choked on his tea and cough uncontrollably*

they went silent for a moment before khun Singto and khun Tharn laughed hard , Mingkwan confused and think what's so funny about it , then khun Tharn explained that Baramee is Forth's fiancé , that earned another laugh from General Joss and Mingkwan

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