part 41

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"Forth brought a herbal tea from south , i remembered you like it " khun Singto moved the bag near to Guru Bhayu

"came here to gave this tea .. or .." Guru Bhayu opened his eyes "wanted to ask something ?"

khun Singto replied "more like i wanted to bargain about something .."

"the Krissana-Kali starting to fade , right? "

khun Singto didnt reply, he only looked at Guru Bhayu

"you cant bargain with destiny , you're old and wise enough .. you know that very well .. "

"i'm a father .. i cant bear to see my son sad , Bhayu ... please understand me .."

"that kid doesnt belong here Singto .. he also has his own family that waiting for him everyday.." Guru Bhayu continued "Forth once was injured , at that time you didnt know whether your son will be okay or not , that kid's father is going through the same hell as well Singto.."

"can you .. at least tell me when will that kid leave ?"

Guru Bhayu shook his head "nobody knows Singto .. it's heaven's secret .. all we can do now is waiting , the ink of Moon Mantra dried up , it means .. Baramee's biggest sin is almost forgiven "

"Bhayu .."

"if the red ink of Moon Mantra was fading , actually that kid already can comeback to his own world , but .. his soul still choose to be here , that's what keep him here for now


but .. if the red ink of Moon Mantra completely gone, the Moon Mantra will take him back to the world he belong , even he doesn't want to


i dont know if this is will help or not , but please keep that kid away from the Moon Mantra book , dont let him touch or even see it , hide it somewhere that he wouldnt reach it .."

khun Singto nodded and thanked him as he received a suggestion from Guru Bhayu


"uncleee .... uncleeee !!! you came back ?" Tee welcomed him happily at the front dock

khun Singto smiled "Beam .. what are you doing out here ?"

"i just came back from the market , we ran out of coconut , aunt Yaya wanted to make green curry, so i went along with the servants to the market " Tee explained happily

khun Singto looked at Tee's cheerful face as Tee asked him to sit

"uncle wait here alright.. i'll bring you warm towel and snacks for you .." Tee ran to the kitchen

"he really knows how to take someone's heart , isnt it khun p' ?" khun ying Yaya was busy with the flower

"he really is .. well he took everyone's heart in this house right ? " khun Singto smiled "even Pring and her master that used to hate him so much , turned out so fond of him now .."

khun ying Yaya and Pring pretended not to hear and kept focusing on the flower

"any objection , nong Yaya ?" khun Singto teased his wife

khun ying Yaya surrendered and put down the flowers "well .. i'm still not accepting him wholeheartedly, honestly.. i cant help but think he still the same old evil Baramee like he used to be , i cant help to think he only pretends to be kind and change temporarily..but .."

"but in the end you fell for him as well right ? " khun Singto tapped his wife's hand "thank you for giving him a chance Yaya .."

khun ying Yaya sighed "you might think i was a cruel women , but as a mother , i only wanted my dearest son to have the best for him , and now i only hope he will be together with Forth for a long time , go through their marriage life for its best and worst time , keep holding hand , no matter what happened , just like us two" khun ying Yaya rested his head at khun Singto's shoulder

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