part 4

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in early morning , everyone in khun singto's residence already busy , the servants already preparing foods, flower and stuff to the monks for merit offering ,

"khun ying .. i think that kid is still sleeping , and probably wont join us to merit offering " Pring said as she helping khun ying Yaya preparing food and flower

"he's still sleeping in his room ??!!" Khun ying Yaya raised her voice

"i think so , khun ying "

"ee pring , go to his room and take him here , where is his manner !" khun ying Yaya got mad

"right away khun ying"

ee pring then go to Beam's room and knocking the door quite harshly .. Phun then open the door to see who's out there

"au ... good morning aunt pring , what happen ?" phun ask her

"what happen you said !!?? tell your master to get up , he has to join khun ying to merit offering , such a rude and mannerless kid" Pring mumbles angrily

"what did you say ? how dare you talk like that to my master ?!" ohm stepped in to their conversation

"why !? i only tell the truth , just get him ready , khun ying is waiting" ee pring then leave them

"if only she's not an old woman i'm so going to punch her in the face right now"

"it's okay ohm.. it's okay .. i'll wake young master up then"

phun and ohm then go to beam's bedroom try to waking him up

"young master ... "

no response .. they both looking at each other.. phun then call him again

"young master it's already dawn , please get up and we're gonna do merit offering with khun ying Yaya"

"young master ..."

beam suddenly gets up and yell "WHAAAAAT ??!! didn't you see i'm still sleeping ? making noises early in the morning and disturbing my sleep ? you want me to hit you both ?" Beam grabbed the wooden stick beside his bed

"no young master , forgive us , but just then khun ying ask you to join her today" Ohm explained

"dont want to , i want to sleep , tell her that" beam rolled his body again and continue to sleep

Phun and ohm looked at each other in hesitation, they're both torn between to obey their master or obey khun ying Yaya

"it's gonna be a long day Phun .. what should we do now ?"

"you're right , this going to be a long battle ahead.." Phun sighed


"what??!! he said that ?" Khun ying Yaya cant believe what she heard

"yes khun ying, even his servant also arrogant and rude , they chased me away too " pring exaggerating

"just let's hurry finish the food and the flower then and place it outside , i'll deal with that kid later "

then the servants moves the food they'll prepare to the front pier , the usual place they'll do the offering to the monks , then a boat came infront at their house , a handsome and nice clothed young man walked from the boat

"au .. Khun Wayo ..good morning " Pring who busy placing the merit outside found Wayo that just got off from his boat

Wayo smiled "good morning nang Pring , is aunt Yaya inside ?"

"Khun Ying is at the main hall khun Wayo , let me walk you inside "Pring lead Wayo come inside the house

Wayo walked inside the home just to find Khun ying Yaya wore that sulky face in the early morning , then he approached her

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