part 17

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3rd person's pov

khun Singto , khun ying Yaya , Forth and Tee arrived at the temple, the guests already there as well , khun Singto sat at the front row with khun Tawan and other highest ranked palace authorities , and the wifes sat behind them , while the kids at the left side of the temple , and they waited for the monks

as expected, all eyes on Tee , not a friendly and kind gaze indeed , but Tee just kept smiling as he walked behind Forth

"Yaya .. you came .. " khun ying Kim greeted her

khun ying Yaya smiled and nodded then Wayo turned to greeted her as well

"good morning aunt Yaya , how are you today ?" Wayo smiled

"i'm good son , and you ? you looked good today , isnt it Forth ?" khun ying Yaya asked Forth

"hmmm , you looked good as usual " Forth smiled as well

"thank you p'Forth ..." Wayo shyly smiled

the two kept glancing at each other , without minding the person that sat between them

"Kim , i heard Wayo had an accident last week .. is it right ?" khun ying Nam ; wife of General Joss asked khun ying Kim

khun ying Kim nodded sadly "yes .. but thankfully God saved him , i cant imagine if something's bad happened ..."

"thank God you're okay na Wayo .. be careful next time na .." khun ying Nam said

Wayo wai-ed her "thank you aunt Nam , i will be careful next time .. "

"well .. it's much way better if anyone dont have a ugly heart and bad intention.. " khun ying Kim said sarcastically "anyway this is a holy palace .. anyone with rotten heart shouldn't have entered this place .. "

khun ying Kim said in a normal tone , but her gaze fixed towards Tee

Tee himself realized that khun ying Kim's words is totally for him , and the atmosphere became tense and awkward

Tee's PoV

i knew it , the moment i entered this temple , i became everyone's attention all of the sudden , their eyes sharply following every of my movement

p'phun , p'ohm , and all servants can only wait at the back , i sat awkwardly between Forth and his boyfriend

i said hi and smiled to Wayo , but he only awkwardly ignored me , but when Forth smiled to him , ohooooo .. he smile long as the china's great wall , same as the crazy man , at home he always had those serious professor face , but now he turned like a 12 year old girl smiling on his crush

duhhh .. why must i sat between them

beside aunt Yaya , there's a woman , i guessed she's Wayo's mother , she gave a scary look since we arrived , i gave her a smile , but she only rolled  her eyes

like mother like son

but everything getting more serious when khun ying Kim brought the sinking boat topic up , she literally implicitly stated that i was the one that made Wayo's boat sunk

well .. that's the fact .. but ..

"really ? so that's why khun Singto chanted the Moon Mantra that day ? " lady beside her asked aunt Yaya

aunt Yaya unfold her feather fan and nodded

"yes , but nobody harmed during the ritual , so no one ill wished Wayo at that accident.. sometime misfortune do happened " uncle Singto smiled as he turned and explained for them

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