part 44

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"Tee .."

"Beam ? you here ?"

Beam nodded "Tee .. can i ask something ?"

"sure .. anything .. " Tee smiled

"Tee .. do you love Forth ?

Beam's question got Tee in silence , hundred of questions also ran inside Tee's mind , why did Beam asked such a thing

Beam could sense Tee's worries , he held Tee's hand "dont be scared , you can tell me ..i'm not going to forbid you or anything .. but ..."

Tee apologize to Beam as tears started to roll , but Beam softly wiped it away

"you dont have to say sorry Tee did nothing wrong .. "

"but .. but i was stealing Forth from you .. "

"you are me .. in every soul , in every life , but for this life , you cant be with him , not because i didnt let you , but because you will leave him soon..

whether you like it or not , whether Forth like it or not

you will have to leave him anyway and that's inevitable "

Tee wiped his tears "when .. when will i'll be leaving Beam ?"

Beam shook his head "i didnt know the exact time and how ,but since you came here in full moon , you have to go back before the next full moon .. and the next full moon is in 20 days "

Tee didnt answered

"if you escaped the full moon , you probably can stay here as me , but ..

it means you are dead in your own life .. "

"Beam .."

"the red ink in Krissana Kali book is disappearing Tee , when it turned to black again , it will bring you back to your life " Beam tapped Tee's hands "i have to go now .. please take care of yourself Tee .."

"Beam .. Beam wait Beam !!" Tee called for Beam but Beam already disappeared


Tee's PoV

the dream woke me up in the middle of night , p'Phun , p'Ohm and everyone's here in this house probably still sleeping

i walked to Forth's bedroom , slowly opened the door

Forth was sleeping soundly , i approached him as i sat at the edge , he must be so deep in his sleep

i caressed his face softly , my fingers went through his hair as well

i love you Forth .. not as Beam , but as myself , Tee

Forth stirred in his sleep , despite being so sleepy he slowly opened his eyes , and he was squinting when he looking at me "Beam ?"

i smiled "did i wake you up ? " i pulled the cover for him "i'm sorry "

Forth shook his head "no .. it's alright , i thought you sleep already .." Forth caressed my hand

i smiled "can i sleep here tonight ?"

Forth nodded as he tapped at the side of the bed "come here .."

i lay myself beside him , he made me rested my head on his chest , and his right hand patted my back softly

i wrapped my hand around his abs , it always feels so warm to be in his embrace like this

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