Before Break-Ups Pt. 2

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Hey guys! Just a quick note before we get on with the much anticipated "Break-Ups Pt. 2"!

Before the 2 part begins I want to warn everyone about some of the Akatsuki being Yandere. I also want to mention that the part 2 for the Break-Ups chapter will be quite dark for a lot of you.

Pein's portion, in particular, has some torture in it.

I didn't just want to throw this on you guys without a little warning. And a small spoiler.

I'm sorry!

I should have the part up before Christmas Eve ends. And the other 13 parts should be up around the same time. That or on Christmas Day. :D

Or sometime else this week :D

I love you guys and thank you for being patient with me!

I promise to do my best and deliver worthy content!

All My Love,

Gigi-chan <3

P.S. I also have a few special chapters planned for this week! I won't be doing any birthday catch-ups sadly so... We'll just have to wait for that again in 2020.  ^_^

P.P.S. I was supposed to update on the 24th and yesterday but some family things occurred. I... I honestly don't think my dad's gonna live much longer. I haven't talked about it on here much or at all but, uh, yeah... He's been sick for a long time. Tbh, I really don't think he'll make it through 2020. But hey, you never know right? Ahaha... (: Anyway, I'll work on the chapters today and should have them up before 2020 actually hits us all in the face lmao!

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