How You Meet Kakuzu

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"Why do you guys always have to put up a fight?! Why can't one of you for once just be a good person and hold still?!" You yelled as you unleashed an earth jutsu that created a small mountain behind your target. Making escape impossible for them.

"What the hell do you want, bitch?!" Yelled the man. He had dark purple hair and dark blue eyes. He wore a uniform belonging to the shinobi of Sunagakure. His headband had the symbol of Suna on it with a line across it.

"Are you Satonari Motoyoshi?" You ask emotionless. You kept a neutral face.

"I am! Now, what the hell do you want?"

"40 million Ryo," you state. You strike at him quickly with your katana and pierce his heart. "And I also hate your guts." You pull the katana from his chest and wipe off the blood. His body hits the ground with a loud thump. You smile to yourself. All you had to do now was collect the 40 million.


After making your way to the Collection Office with Satonari across your shoulder, you quickly plopped him down on the metal table in front of you. The collection guy looks up at you startled. Then he looks at the body on the table and his eyes widen even more than before in shock.

"You took down the Merciless Angel?!" He whisper-shouts.

"Yep, he didn't even put up a fight." You smirk slightly before going back to your emotionless expression. You tried to keep your breathing even and shallow. The place smelled like piss and rotting flesh.

"He's an S-Ranked criminal wanted for the murders of an entire clan and village! How the hell didn't he put up a fight, Arrow?"

"I struck him while he was too busy talking. It's honestly sad that such a good looking man would slaughter innocent people. The Nakamaru clan wasn't so bad either. Pity there's only one of them left." You spoke somewhat fondly of the clan. A few years back you had met the last surviving member and had become good friends with her. She was a sweet beautiful girl with a horrific past and a heavy burden on her shoulders. You had learned that she was dating the copy ninja, Kakashi before she was forced to leave her village, Konoha, behind. She made you swear never to go after him. Despite him being at least a 35 million Ryo bounty. But when you make a promise to a friend you keep it.

A loud thunk dragged you from your thoughts. You looked down at the table to see two briefcases.

"40 million Ryo, as promised, for the murder of Satonari Motoyoshi, the Merciless Angel." The collection officer said. You grabbed the briefcases and began to count your money. The collections officer has someone pick up the body and place him in a freezer. He then took out the files for Motoyoshi and threw them into the fire behind him.

"You heard that you old fuck?! That bitch took down the fucking man you were gonna kill!" An obnoxious voice laughed. His laugh pierced the silence of the collection office. You turned to him with a growl.

"You assfuck! I lost count of my money because of you!" You narrow your (e/c) eyes at him. He glares right back at you.

"Bitch I don't fucking care-"

"Shut up or I'll cut off your head again! And I won't sew it back on either!" Said the tall man standing next to him. He had a very deep voice that gave you goosebumps. You couldn't see what he looked like because of his mask but you clearly saw his eyes. His orbs were green and where his eyes should have been white, they were red. You found yourself getting mesmerized by his green and red eyes.

"Your eyes are an interesting color," you calmly tell him. He turns to glare at you. You felt somewhat intimidated but you kept a calm and neutral facade. You close your briefcases and pick them up.

"You stole my bounty," he says.

"You snooze you lose, sir." He raises an eyebrow at you.

"I wasn't snoozing."

"It's an expression."

"Never heard of it," he mutters. He brushes past you and sets a body on the table.

"That's because you're an old fuck!" The giant of a man whips around and punches his friend in the face. You hear a snap when the tall man's fist connected with his friend. He turns back and calmly glances at you. "You old fucking bastard! How dare you hit a disciple of the great god Jashin! My neck is fucking broken!" You can't help but smirk at the other man's words.

"Jashinist are all bark and no bite, are they not?" You ask the man with the entrancing eyes.

"That they are," he says staring deeply into your eyes.

"Well, I hope to see you around someday. I gotta pay an informant of mine 100 thousand Ryo for telling me where to find Satonari." You start to walk out the collection office and step over the Jashinist who was sprawled out on the floor holding his neck.

"Maybe we can bounty hunt together sometime? What's your name?" Asks the giant.

"They call me Arrow. Just ask the collection officer. He'll tell you where to find me." You wink and exit the building. You walked to the edge of Sunagakure to meet your old friend, Yumeko, from the Nakamaru clan. The entire time you thought about the 40 million you had just made and how excited you were to see your friend again. Even if you did have to pay her 100 thousand Ryo for giving you intel. You silently thanked Kami that Nakamaru's could see the future. But your mind constantly shifted back to the giant of a man with the intense red and green gaze. 'I really wanna see what he looks like underneath that mask and cloak...' you thought.

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