Itachi x Reader x Tobi/Obito (Request)

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This was requested forever ago by LadyItaliano

I am so sorry that this is extremely late!!! But it's here now!

Tanoshi, min'na!

~ Gigi-chan

This request is literally so so so so late! I sincerely apologize for how late this is *bows in apology* PLEASE FORGIVE ME!

I also hope it's okay that I made the reader gender neutral!

(I am nearly 2 years late in completing this request TT)

You were beyond excited today.

Today was the day that your boyfriend, Itachi, was finally coming back to the hideout. And, you two were going on a date. And your heart was racing at the idea of you two being together again.

"(Y/n), are you ready?" Itachi popped his head out from the doorframe.

"Almost," you chuckled, rolling your eyes at his unusual impatience. "You're more eager for this date than I am."

He let out a low laugh as you finished getting dressed. "That's because I haven't seen you in almost two years."

"That's true," you walked over to him and pecked his cheek. "Let's go." You grabbed his hand and began to led the dark-haired male out of the hideout. While you guys walked, you two caught up on how you'd both been over the past couple of years. The two of you exchanged small jokes, meaningful glances, and loving smiles. It felt like everything was finally right.

Until you saw Tobi, sulking in a corner. Your heart began beating out of pain rather than excitement. You came to a halt, unknowingly. Your eyes lingering on the lone figure in the orange mask.

"(Y/n)," Itachi gently turned your face to his, "is everything alright?"

"Y-yes, everything's fine." You stared into Itachi's eyes.

"Alright, love," he kissed your lips lightly and then led you out of the hideout for your date.


(A few hours later)

You and Itachi returned to the hideout, drunk. Well, you were drunk. Itachi was passed out.

"Damn it, Ita," you muttered. "I told you not to drink so much." Itachi's only response was a slight snore. "Damn it." You struggled to hold on to Itachi.

"Here," a deep, familiar voice said as a mysterious arm slithered around Itachi's drunken form. "I'll carry him." The mystery man lifted Itachi up with ease. He soon began to stride away from you with the sleeping Uchiha.

"Hey, wait!" You shouted and began to ran after the man. Which, proved to be a bad idea after you soon fell down, on your face.

A sigh resounded off the walls. "(Y/n), you're drunk and can't carry him. Just stay there. I'll be right back." The man then dissolved completely into the blackness of the hideout.

Lifting yourself up from the floor, you swore. "Damn it, that hurt!" Tears began to form in your eyes from the pain. "Am I bleeding?" Touching your chin, you could feel a sticky and warm substance. You began to sniffle as a tears rolled down your cheek.

"I see your drunken antics haven't changed," spoke the deep voice with amusement.

Your tears soon turned to anger. "Screw you," you muttered.

"You already have, love. On more than one occasion."

"I was a fool!" You glared at the man covered in shadows. "I was heart-broken! You sent him away! You almost made me lose the love of my life!"

"I'm the love your life!" Angry footsteps echoed around you.

"No, Obito! You aren't!"

"I AM!"

"NO!" Even in your drunken state, you soon realized that shouting would only wake the other members and Itachi. "You only think that because we slept together!" You hissed. "I was lonely and you were my best friend! I needed you to comfort me and to help me forget! I'm sorry about what happened but-." Obito's hand wrapped around your throat and he squeezed lightly.

"You used me. You lied to me."

"You sent Itachi away and didn't tell me about it. We've been friends since we were kids and you lied to me more than I've lied to you." You stated.

(Warning! Some strong language!)

"You fucked me. You fucked me and said you loved me. You acted like a fucking whore and lied about how you had moved on from Itachi. You fucking lied." Each of his words sounded like a caged animal, growling at his captors. His hand squeezed your throat tighter. You gasped for air. "Fuck you." He let you go. "Go back to Itachi and fuck him and love him. I don't need a fucking whore like you in my life." Then he vanished completely.

As you sat in the dark room, alone and gasping for air, you began to cry. "I really do love you though, Obito. I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. Kami, forgive me but I love them both. I love you both."

Unknown to you, Itachi had woken up and heard everything between you and Obito. He wanted to go to you and comfort you but was conflicted. You had technically cheated on him. Then again, he also understood it. He had been gone for nearly two years and you didn't know if he was dead or alive at that time. His heart still hurt though.

In the end, he sighed and went back to your guys' shared bedroom. He neither comforted you nor confronted you the next day. Instead, he decided to wait until the day that you told him. Not because he wanted to see how long you could keep lying to him. Or even to yell at you once you finally did.

He wanted to know that you would trust him enough with the truth. Because he truly loves you and cares about you. And he wants to be with you always.

UPDATE: 4/23/2021


Orochimaru coming by the 1st of May!

Madara coming by the 1st of June!


Sasuke coming by the 1st of July!

Also, for anybody still interested in my Konoha Founders Groupchat series:

I am still making them into videos! I have changed my YouTube name to "Nerdy Writer". There are also some differences between my new videos that will come out and my old ones. This is due to a change in the apps I am using. Also, I will be including voices for them this time around!

Thank You All!

~ Gigi-chan <3

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