How You Meet Tobi/Obito

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"Tobi is a good boy! Obito isn't..." the Wise Words of Tobi



A pebble. A small stupid rock was all it took for you to fall down, face first, in the middle of the street.

"Ouchie..." You sniffle. "That really hurt! Why do I always have to be so clumsy?" You get back up and wipe away a stray tear. "Oh well," you shrug and go back to smiling. Nothing would, or could for that matter, ruin your mood today as you walked into the restaurant you worked at.

"Morning, (Y/n)-chan!" A co-worker calls out to you from the other side of the room.

"Good morning, Hiro-kun!" You happily called back. Before you could get to the workers locker room your co-worker asks you,

"(Y/n)-chan did you fall again? There's a scrape under your chin." You sigh while nodding. You head into the locker room and your co-worker, Hiro, follows behind you. "You need to be more careful, sweetie." He says as he sits on a bench next to you.

"I try to be careful, Hiro-kun! I always look where I'm going and make sure my feet don't trip me while I'm walking." You pull an apron from your locker and tie it around your waist.

"(Y/n)-chan, as your best guy friend, I'm telling you right now that I'm not trying to be mean when I ask you this, but," he gives you a serious look, "what did you fall over?"

"A pebble..." you mutter in defeat.

"A pebble?" Hiro raises an eyebrow at you while trying to hold in his laughter.

"Mhm-hm," you sigh again.

"Oh, (Y/n)-chan...." he pulls you in for a hug.

"I know you're smiling, jerk."

"So are you, sweetie." You grin and pull away from him.

"What would I do without you?" You go to shut the locker, forgetting how close you were to it.

"End up in the hospital because you almost injured yourself with your locker." He moves you away while you look at him confused before realizing that if you had shut the locker door... well, you would probably of had a concussion. He shuts it for you and the two of you set off to start work, laughing the entire time.


It was the lunch rush and you were busy showing guests to a table. A pair of people walked in as you walked, carefully, back to the front door. One had an orange swirly mask on him making him look like a giant lollipop. The other one had long blonde hair that covered half of their face. You couldn't decide if it was a man or a woman. They looked feminine from a distance. As you got closer to them you could tell that it was a man.

"Oh, Deidara-senpai look at all the colorful fishies! Tobi thinks they're pretty! Tobi is a good boy!" Says the one with an orange swirly mask. He's jumping up and down excitedly in front of a fish tank near the door. You smile at his behavior, finding it adorable. You guessed that his name was Tobi.

"Hello and welcome to (name of your favorite restaurant)! Would you like a table or booth today?" You ask them with a giant smile.

"Oh, oh! Senpai, look at the pretty lady! Tobi likes the pretty lady!" Tobi shouts excitedly. You blush and look at the ground giggling.

"We'll take a booth in the back, un." Says the blonde, Deidara. The voice was deep.

"Why thank you," you say with a kind smile. You bow slightly to them. "I'll show you to your booth now. Please follow me." You turn and take them to the back booth. You place their menus down on the table. Before you can leave to go back up front, you accidentally trip over your own foot. You start to fall forward and embrace for the pain of the carpeted floor. But it never comes.

Looking up you see Tobi with his swirly mask holding you in his arms. They were very toned from what you guessed was years of physical training. Your head was on his chest. You blushed, embarrassed, to have been clumsy enough to trip over own feet. Your blush darkened even more when Tobi spoke.

"Are you okay, Lady-chan? Tobi thinks that Lady-chan should be more careful. Tobi doesn't want Lady-chan to get hurt. Tobi thinks Lady-chan is too adorable to get hurt! Tobi is a good boy for saving Lady-chan!" You can't help but giggle up at him.

"Yes, Tobi is a good boy," you happily agree. Tobi gasps.

"Lady-chan knows Tobi's name is Tobi! Lady-chan is psychic and Tobi is a good boy!" He giggles. He carefully helps you stand up straight. His touch was gentle and kind. You could feel a warmth radiating from him.

"Thank you, Tobi. I'll send Hiro over to take your orders momentarily." You give him and his friend another bright smile before walking away.

"She's cute, un." Deidara says as you walk away. His eyes look you up and down while he takes a seat against the wall.

"Tobi likes Lady-chan! Tobi wants to watch her too!" Tobi plops next to Deidara.

"Tobi, un! Go sit on the other side!" Deidara yells angrily.

"Tobi wants to sit next to senpai!" Eventually, after thirty minutes of arguing, Deidara finally moves to the side of the booth that faces the wall. During the arguing, Hiro had gone over to get their drinks and food order. He almost lost it when Tobi had put Deidara in his lap and teased Deidara in his typical Tobi manner about Dei being a pervert. Of course, he was secretly being a bigger perv than Dei.

During Hiro's absence Deidara had put Tobi in a headlock with his legs. The rest of Deidara was spread across the table. And it looked really wrong.

Tobi's face wasn't facing up at the ceiling. It was facing Deidara's groin. When Hiro had come back with their food, he nearly dropped everything from trying to hold in his laughter. Thankfully, Hiro didn't spill the food all over the two idiots.

You and the entire restaurant heard and saw everything! A number of guests were grossed out while others couldn't stop laughing.

It had taken everything you had not to laugh as well while you seated guest. It had gotten so bad in the last minutes of their argument that you had to run to the locker room. You stayed there for at least ten minutes dying of laughter. At some point Hiro had to join you. When you guys came back out, the two men were gone.

Needless to say, you were saddened that they had left. You really wanted to talk to them again. Especially to Tobi. You sighed and went back to work. Constantly thinking about the orange swirly masked man and how adorable he was.

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