MUST READ! Konan Regains Her Memories (Oneshot)(THIS IS IMPORTANT FOR HER STORY)

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This is important to the story and takes place shortly after the "They Find Out You Have a BF" chapter. It'll be shorter than Kisame's.

This is a one-shot involving you and Konan. It'll explain a few things from when she was injured in her mission. It's in Konan's p.o.v.! Enjoy! ~ Gigi-chan

P.S. Don't forget to tell your moms, sisters, grandmas, great-grandmas, aunts, stepmoms, cousins w/ kids, Happy Mother's Day!

(Konan's p.o.v.)

I sat on a rock outside the orphanage. Tears started to sting my eyes but I quickly pushed them back down. No way was I going to let them fall. Biting my lip, I held them back as my heart continued to break. The feeling felt familiar to me somehow. Yet, like always, I couldn't seem to remember.

Dark clouds filled the sky. 'The rain will fall soon,' I thought.

"Konan-chan!" I heard (Y/n). I glanced in the direction her voice came from. She looked so beautiful. It only made my heart ache more.

"Hm?" I hummed. (Y/n) made her way over to me and sat down beside me on the rock.

"I'm sorry about, (R/n)," she said. "They can be really rude sometimes and overly affection."

'Overly affectionate?! They were shoving their tongue down your throat! As if you were some... Some... Ugh! You shouldn't be with someone like that! It's almost obvious that they're just trying to use you! I would never do that to you! I love you!' Looking away from her, I said, "I can see that." The words I wanted to tell her so desperately, were now lost in the void.

"Hey, is everything alright? You seem really upset about something." (Y/n) placed her hand on my shoulder.

Forcing a fake smile on my face, I finally turn to her. "Yeah! I'm doing great!" I let out a small chuckle.

A tender smile spreads across her angelic face. "I'm so glad," she pulls me into a hug. "We should get back inside. Dinner will be ready soon." (Y/n) lets me go and stands up. Her (e/c) eyes stare down at me. "You coming?"

"Yeah, I'm right behind you," I tell her. She nods then starts walking away.

The rain starts to pour. I lift my head up to the sky. A drop falls near my eye and rolls down my cheek. Another one falls and does the same. They form the tears that I refuse to let go of.

***** Timeskip *****

"Why can't I sleep?" I muttered. Thunder rumbled around me while I walked in the dark night. I let out an exhausted sigh. The rain had increased rapidly in the last few hours. Of course, I didn't mind. It was comforting, the sounds of the rain.

"Can't sleep either?" Asked a soft voice. I turned around and saw Sia walking down the front steps of the orphanage.

"No, I can't," I tell her. "Whenever I do sleep... I have these awful dreams... I'm hurting people... People with some sort of beast inside them... And there's this voice in my head... He keeps asking me where I'm at but... I don't know who he is..."

"When did this voice start?" Sia questioned.

"A... a few days ago..."

"And the dreams?"

"They've been going on for about a few days. The same as the voice," I explain.

"You're subconscious is trying to make you remember. Maybe that voice in your head triggered something? Have you tried talking to him?"


"Perhaps you should," Sia turns away from me. "(Y/n) didn't want me to show you but... It may trigger something."

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