How You Meet Deidara

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Pastels stained the canvas as your hand dragged across it, wanting to capture the beauty of the world around you before it inevitably disappears. Life was short and fleeting yet, memorable, depending on what you did with your life. Life wasn't meant to be eternal. It was meant to be memorable. For you, art was like life. Fleeting and memorable.

"Art can last forever but also be destroyed or forgotten in a moment. " You mumble as you put the finishing touches onto the canvas. "There. Finished." You looked at the pastel drawing before you. It was a landscape with all the trees, mountains, and rivers perfectly depicted from where you sat up high in a tall tree. It was the tallest tree and it overlooked everything. From the valley below to the mountainsides surrounding it.

"It's beautiful, un." You glance up and see a white bird with a good looking blonde haired boy sitting on top of it. He lands next to you and the bird suddenly disappears. His black cloak billowed in the wind. You turn your attention back to the world below.

"It is, isn't it?" You say, not realizing that he meant your drawing. You stare in awe at the beauty around you as the sun starts to set. His face turns red as he gazes at your soft, loving expression.

"Would you like to see my art?"

"Your art?" You ask him. The idea of meeting another artist and seeing their art, excited you.

"Yeah, un. My art is an explosion, yeah." He looked at you with a shy smile. You smiled back at him intrigued by his idea of art.

"I'd love to see your art," you tell him. His smile widens and he nods. The blondie raises his hand about to do something when he suddenly stops. He turns back to you with a questioning gaze.

"You're okay with me destroying this landscape, right?"

"Of course," you tell him. "Life is fleeting but memorable depending on how you spend it. Just as this landscape is fleeting. I've already made its beauty memorable by drawing it on a canvas. What's left for me to find enjoyable about this place?" You close your eyes and smile widely at him. His eyes widen. Shock and then happiness fills him. Someone else understands his view of art and even shares it.

"Okay, un," He resumes his original position. You watch fascinated as a piece of clay comes out of his mouth. The clay looks like a fairly large butterfly. It flies down to the center of the valley. The blonde weaves some hand signs and then yells, "Katsu!" You watch as a loud explosion shakes the earth below. The colors from the blondes jutsu have you mesmerized. You hurriedly pull out your sketch book and begin drawing the mans art on a page.

Your hand blurs across the page as you create a masterpiece. The blonde watches over your shoulder in shock at your talent and speed. Nobody he has ever met, draws as quickly you. You finish and hold up the page for him to see.

His jaw drops.

"You captured my art, un. It's beautiful, yeah." He tells you still in shock. You just smile at him.

"Do you have anymore of those bombs?" You ask. He snaps out of it. A blush spreads across his face as he realizes how close he's gotten to you. He nods and begins to perform his jutsu again.

The two of you sit there for a few hours talking about your guys' views on art. Every once in a while, the bomber would perform his jutsu for you. And you would draw his explosions. It eventually became a competition of how fast you can draw the landscape before his bombs could destroy it further. Your hand grew tired as night fell. It almost felt like it would fall off.

"Ugh... I've never had my hand hurt this much." You complain. The blonde bomber next you chuckles.

"Sorry about that, un. I didn't realize it would be so tiring for you." He apologizes.

"It's okay," you stand up and stretch out on the branch. "I've had worse. Today was really fun!"

"It was, yeah!" A cute goofy smile spreads across his adorable face. You laugh before grabbing your things and jumping down from the tree.

"I have to leave now! But maybe I'll see you again someday!" You call up to him.

"I would like that, un!" He hollers back. Another dusting of pink was on his cheeks.

"Your art was amazing! Keep working on it and I know you'll be great one day!" You give him yet another smile and walk off. You suddenly stop and yell one last thing at him. "And look in your bag! I left something for you!" You wave and vanish from his line of sight.

The bomber pulled out his bag and looked in it. He grinned ear to ear upon seeing what you had left him.

"She's truly incredible, un. A real piece of art." He pulled out a page and looked at it for a long time. It was the drawings you had done. One was the first drawing you had created of the landscape and the second was of his bomb detonating and destroying it. He created a clay bird and jumped onto it.

On the bottom of the first drawing it read,

'The landscape was amazing!'

And the second drawing read,

'But your art was spectacular! I hope I see you again blondie! -(Y/n)'

He slid the papers back in his bag and flew away. His mind replaying your smiling face as he blew things up.

As you walked through the woods on to the next adventure, you smiled. You really hoped that you and the blonde bomber would meet again. And soon.

Akatsuki Boyfriend Scenarios & PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora