Their First Thoughts About You

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Author, Gigi-chan here! This is all in the boys' point of views! Enjoy!
Um... some of these wound up being perverted. Mostly Hidans... I'm sorry. *shrugs*
Quick reminder for Zetsu!
Shiro (white side of Zetsu); Kuro (black side of Zetsu)
When they speak it'll look like this:
Shiro- "H-Hello dear..."
Kuro- "Heh..."
Both- "We're hungry."



'Supposed God? I AM A GOD! How dare she...? I must get her out of here quickly... S-she's poking me? And yelling at me?... She has spirit... I kind of like that she's challenging me. Nobody has ever done that before... She almost does look like a goddess right now... This girl looks beautiful under the pouring rain... I'll spare her. Maybe I can see her again someday? I would like to know a bit more about her. Gah! Why am I thinking about these things?!'


'It feels like I'm dying... Ugh... I was foolish in that last mission... Who... Who is that? Why does she show such concern for me...? This woman has such a gentle touch... How is she so strong? If I wasn't... about to pass out from blood loss... I'd be blushing right about now... She's so pretty... She reminds me of an angel... Thank you... for saving me... my angel...'


'She's been sitting here for an hour now... She hasn't noticed me once... I've been noticing her though. The way the sun shines off her (h/c), the way her eyes light up as she reads certain parts in her book. It warms my cold heart a little to see her looking so peaceful. She's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen... I want to talk to her... At least to tell her that I'm sitting here too... Should I? No... She looks so happy right now... I don't want to scare her... Whoops... She finally figured out I'm here now... What do I do? She's so cute! I'll talk to her... Oh no! I didn't mean to almost make her fall off the rock! Keep it cool, Itachi... Has my hand been on her arm too long?............. I think I'll stick around this spot for a while...'


'Uh... Wow... She... Heh... That swimsuit looks hot on her. I almost wish Samehada had tried to eat her and not her clothes. Then I could have saved her... Is...Is my nose bleeding?! No? Ok... Good... But seriously just... Damn... I've never seen anything like this girl... Wait... I-is she laughing at me?! ... So... She isn't laughing at my appearance? Has she not noticed that I'm half-shark? ... Sh-she hasn't even mentioned it... That's kinda cool actually... She's pretty funny... Heh... Even that gloomy Itachi cracked a smile... She's truly a rare one.'


'This bitch is the famous Psychotic Beheader! Holy fucking shit! I can't believe I actually got to fucking watch her ritual earlier! And now I'm fucking talking to her! Damn... She's fucking sexy... She was sexier though when she was covered in blood... I'd fucking hit on the bitch but then again she'd probably kick my ass too. But damn... Her ass was nice... I wish she would turn around again so I could stare at it more... Fuck, now I'm hard... Jashin-dammit! I want to take her home with me... Ugh... If I didn't respect this bitch I'd have her in my fucking arms right fucking now... She's lucky... She's the only bitch I respect... I'd better fucking leave and take care of my big *wink wink* problem...The bitch is a fucking legend within the cult... Jashin-sama...? Please let us meet again...'


'This woman is the one that stole my bounty?! What the hell?! ........ I'm almost impressed that she took down an S-ranked criminal alone. She's good I guess... I wish I had been the one to kill the bastard though. We should bounty hunt together. I want to see how strong she is. Ooo, my money! Time to count it... *chuckles*'


'She did an exquisite job with this piece. I'm really impressed..... Damn that idiot Deidara! He broke a puppet! Yes, it was ugly but that idiot... Tch..... Oh.... S-she's crying... Why does... my heart hurt? Grandma? This is the brats fault... But... why do I feel like the guilty one?'


'She's incredible, yeah! Her artwork is so amazing! We share the same views of art! *screamed internally like a happy child* And she likes my art, un! I-I really want to see her again...'


'She looks so pretty under the moon. I want to eat her. She looks really tasty. Stop it, Kuro! We can't! She's pretty and smells nice! She's like a flower.... Yes... She is...'

Tobi/Obito: (He gets two parts for this (-_^) )

What Tobi thought:
'Lady-chan is so pretty! Her eyes are a sparkly (e/c)! Tobi likes her laugh! Tobi wants to make her laugh more! Deidara-senpai can't have her! Tobi wants her! ....... Does she know how it feels to poo?'

What Obito thought:
'She's gorgeous! I-I.... Wow... She's just so beautiful! Crap! She fell! Good thing I caught her! S-she feels nice... pressed against me... I want to hold her more... Screw Deidara! He can't have her! I want her! No way in hell is that dumbass blonde going to win her over with his shitty art! Stop being a perv you blonde asshole! .... Then again... s-she does look hella good right now... Oh shit... I'm even more perverted than Deidara' *sighed mentally*

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