Christmas Special

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**THIS IS NOT PART OF THE STORY LINE THERE WILL BE A CHRISTMAS CHAPTER LATER** I'm sorry if this makes you feel emotions. I felt them too.

Christmas (What-if)

"Posie!" Ginny jumps on my bed, waking me up. "Come on its Christmas!" She drags me down the stairs. The Weasley's must have come early this morning to have breakfast with us. "Everyone else is downstairs... okay well not everyone..."

"Harry is still asleep, isn't he?" I chuckle, knowing Ron is probably up there angrily waking him... or maybe Ron curled up on the guest bed and now they're both sleeping. Both are possible.

"Good morning, Beautiful! And Happy Christmas," Sirius kisses me forehead upon my arrival in the kitchen. "Santa came!"

"Santa?" I laugh, amusing him. He's been so excited for our first family Christmas. The whole house was decked out in lights and garland. The parlor had a massive Christmas tree, with ornaments he demanded Harry and I make.

"Yes! As soon as your brother comes down we can see what he brought you!" He claps his hands together in excitement, then turns in a slight panic, "Molly! Problem!" She comes from the other room and waits. "I have broken a dozen eggs, please help me."

Following behind Molly were Fred and George. Their eyes lit up like the Christmas lights when they saw me and they ran for their hugs.

"I've missed you both!" I squeak, air not quite possible in the twin sandwich I've found myself in.

"We've missed you, Tiny Ginger," Fred kisses the top of my head dramatically why George continues to squeeze the life out of me. They each take a hand and drag me out of the room.

"We are at your service, small one." George bows jokingly.

I laugh and nod for them to follow me up to my old room. I'd decided I didn't want to live in the same room I was hidden away in. I chose the room closest to Harry's, but if Ginny came to stay the night there were an abundance of other rooms where we could chatter without Harry overhearing us.

"I thought you'd moved?" Fred questioned, following me in.

"I did," I nod, "but Sirius comes in too often, Harry too... so I needed a better place to hide. Nobody ever comes in here."

"She's smart," George nods, "tell us what to do oh, wise one."

I roll my eyes and instruct them with what to do. Shrink the gift so I can wrap it and get it downstairs. I needed legal aged wizards who were not Remus or Sirius. "Also help me carry all of this?" I smile pleadingly.

"Carry?" Fred and George look at each other, "pshhh." Within a moment all of my Christmas gifts were floating and following them down the stairs.

I asked them to please arrange them around the tree, since Sirius wouldn't let me go into the parlor.

"G!" I grab her as I enter the kitchen, "please go help your brothers with my gifts and make sure they look presentable!"

"You left those two in charge of organization?!" She laughs in disbelief, "they literally hired you to organize their store."

"So, please?"

She laughs and leaves to go help them.

Rose EvansWhere stories live. Discover now