Chapter Two

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"Need some help?" Fred and George poke their heads into Ginny's room, catching us pathetically trying to close our own (over-flowing) trunks for Hogwarts. We nod shamefully and step away from the trunks. Of course, the boys have no problems, shutting the luggage with ease.

"Mum's downstairs waiting." Ron pokes his head into the room.

"Is--?" I start, but Ron cuts me off shaking his head already. I've been asking for Remus for days. I really wanted to see him before I go back to Hogwarts.

Fred catches the quick interaction and comes to my side, "I'm sure he'll be around soon."

I nod, making eye contact with nobody and dragging my trunk out of the room and down the stairs. Harry gives me a hug and kisses the top of my head.

We all head out to Kings Cross together. I still hate passing the barrier to 9 3/4 so Harry goes through with me. We board the train and wait for everyone else to pile in. I liked watching the first years saying their loving goodbyes, but couldn't help but feel choked up over it.

I decided to sit separately from everyone else. Ginny tried pulling me away to sit with them, but I think she saw something in my eyes and let me go without a fight. I just wanted to be able to look out the window at the families.

I let a few tears spill from my eyes thinking about how I missed out on all of that, and how this is my first fall trip on the Express and Remus isn't even here to share it with me.

I decide to stay alone even after we've left the station. Maybe I'd venture out later, but maybe not.

I buy a few treats from the trolley and eat a few of them while gazing out at the beautiful sights flying by.

I wake up a bit later to the train shaking. I decide I should probably find my friends, as I really don't like how this is feeling. I leave my seat and begin to walk down the aisle looking into each window hoping to find someone, anyone.

The train bumps roughly, and I'm thrown backward but never hit the ground.

"We need to stop meeting like this." I sit up and turn around to see I've knocked Malfoy to the ground.

"Oof, I'm sorry." I stand up, and reach out my hand to help him.

"Hey, now we're even... yeah?" He smiles, using my hand to stand up. "How've you been? Recovering well?"

"Yeah, I've been good." I smile, but he still looks at me as though I'm injured. "Look Malfoy, I'm fine. I'm not some injured puppy to be pitied."

"Err, right... okay.." he nods, "it's just.... have you been crying?"

I widen my eyes, then laugh. "Yeah, I have," I decide there's no reason to lie he watched me in my recovery at my lowest points, "just wished I had a family to say goodbye to at the station."

He nods. "Well... I guess I'll let you go." His face hardens but his eyes look sad, "watch where you're going next time." He turns abruptly and walks in the opposite direction.

"Hey, you okay?" A hand is placed on my shoulder and I turn to see Harry standing behind me. "Was he bothering you? Did he hurt you? Why are you crying?"

"Harry I'm fine," I sigh, looping my arm through his, "he's actually kind with me. I was just looking for you, why is the train shaking?"

"Always does that when it passes the barrier to Hogwarts." He walks me to where Hermione and Ron are seated, "were you frightened?"

I nod, wiping my face on my sleeves. Harry would resent Remus if he knew how I was feeling, and I can't let that happen... he's all we have left.

There was no room left on the carriage with Harry, but I assured him I'd be okay and take the next one.

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