Pop Five

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"What do you mean?" I blink a few times.

"Sirina. Either I'm having some really messed up dreams, or something is going on with you..." he half chuckles. "So...?"

"Harry I--"

"I won't say anything." He hugs me. "What's a twin for if not secrets?"

I smile, sighing and hugging him back.

"Just, if he hurts you... I'll... I don't know..."

I laugh lightly, then remember the prophecy. He has to hurt me. There's no way out of it. If I want Voldemort to be stopped, I have to get hurt. Right? That's the only way.

"Rin... what's wrong?" He shakes me slightly and I snap my eyes back to him. "You kind of... tuned out. Are you okay?"

"I need to tell you something." I whisper, my voice failing me. My voice and throat know this is a bad idea even if my brain doesn't.

"Alright... go on then.."

I take his hand, leading him outside to take a walk- this way I don't have to worry about one of the many Weasley's coming in. Once outside I drop his hand to put my hands into the pockets of my jumper. I lead him out a ways, both of us silent.

"Sirina. Stop." He grabs my shoulder, turning me around. "What's going on?"

"There was... a prophecy." I start.

"Yeah, I'm sure there wa--"

"Just let me say everything. Then talk." I sigh. I take a deep breath, then start again. "There was a prophecy... about me. About Voldemort."

The night summer wind rustles the trees around us. Creating an uncomfortable tone.

"I don't remember it word for word... But the gist is that I'm going to die." I'm talking to our feet. "Only then... will Voldemort be defeated."

"What do you mean?" Harry demands. "Tell me all of it. Everything you remember."

I puff up my cheeks, then let the air flow out. "I'm going to fall in love with someone with red hair, but someone with red hair will also cause a break in my heart... something like that..." I pause, "it will be at the beginning of the end. So... right before Voldemort is battled to the death I would assume."

"Wait wait wait..." Harry places his hands on his head, pacing about a two-step radius. "We don't have to let the prophecy come true, right? We can... change it. Yeah, change it. I mean, whether you and Charlie last or not... he'd never actually hurt you, right? I mean, right?"


"Have you told him?"


"You should."


"It's about him, too..." he sighs, "plus he might be able to help you figure everything out, ya know, how to not kill you."

"Harry, if Vol--"

"Stop." He grabs my shoulders.

"I'll sacrifice myself, it's you who needs to be alive."

"I said STOP." He grips down harder on my shoulder, "Mum, Dad, Sirius... I can't lose you too. You can't protect me, Sirina. Please." Silence. "For once, let me protect you." I nod. He engulfs me in his arms, hugging me tightly, his chin resting on top of my head. "We can tell Charlie together."

"What if its not Charlie?"


"I mean... what if I'm not actually in love with him?" As I said it I realized it was the first time I actually questioned it... yes, I love Charlie. But am I in love? There's such a difference. Obviously I love Charlie differently than I love Harry, or Ginny, or Hermione, or George, or anyone... but when it comes down to it am i really in love?

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