Chapter Six

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"Poise, are you coming to breakfast today?" Ginny was standing in the doorway to my dormitory. It's been quite a number of days since I'd eaten in the Great Hall, but I'm beginning to run low on food stuffs in my dorm. "It's fine, please come."

"I already told Mione I wasn't coming," I sigh, "she'll think I like you more." I have barely even left the tower in days, once or twice to shower... but only after curfew.

"You do." Ginny rolls her eyes and sits on my bed. "Put on clothes and let's go. Now. I'm done babying you." She ripped my blankets away from me; rather violently.

"I don't want to see him."

"He hasn't been around in days, just like you," she sighs, "I think he took a minor leave of absence, hence all of the defense classes being canceled the past few days."

"Okay... fine." I dress myself and allow Ginny to tow me down to the Great Hall. I keep my head low as she pulls me to our seats.

"Hey, you're... here..." Harry says awkwardly, "I, uh, it's good to have you." He side hugs me then goes back to eating.

I feel stares on me from the other Gryffindors, but keep my eyes down, nibbling at a biscuit. Hermione was definitely whispering something to Harry, my guess is it's about me.

"She's fine!" Ginny snaps, "continue your meals, she was sick for a few days now she's healthy. Never had the flu, have you?"

I glance up at her with a grateful smile. She nods in response.

I ate silently, slowly feeling my spine straighten out and my stomach untie itself. I didn't participate in small talk, but I was keeping up rather well.

Something is going on with Harry that Hermione isn't pleased with. Who knows, honestly.

There was suddenly a hush in the Hall, then a quiet hum of whispers. I couldn't see what everyone was looking at until it was in front of me.

Professor Snape, making his grand entrance back to the school. He'd been gone for as many days as I had. Though I had the flu, nobody knew where he was.

He glances down making eye contact with me briefly before turning away. I slouched into myself, feeling a flight response kicking in.

"You can't," Ginny grabbed my leg, "it's too obvious. Stay. Be normal." She gives me a reassuring nod, and holds my hand under the table until I'm calm. Which was never.

After about twenty minutes of agonizing pain, Harry stood to leave the table, "Rose want me to catch you up on what you missed in some classes?" He raised an eyebrow.

Hermione promptly stood as well, "you can't catch her up you never know what's going on yourself," she rolls her eyes then turns to me, "I'll help you, let's go."

I breath out in relief, and stand. Harry tosses an arm around my shoulder, relieving so much stress and tension. "It'll be okay, I promise."

I nod, allowing them to lead me out. I'm sure Ginny and Ron, or at least just Ron, were following... but I couldn't bring myself to turn around to check.

Back in the tower we were alone, the four of us... Ginny didn't follow, it would have been weird and noticeable.

"I don't know why he had to come back today of all days!" Hermione squeaked, "we finally got you to come out and he shows up?!" She was clearly frustrated with the situation.

"I think I'm going to go see McGonagall today," I say quietly. "See what she thinks of all this."

"That's a good idea," Harry squeezes my wrist comfortingly. "Want me to come?"

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