Chapter Four

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"Rose," Hermione comes up to the table, "I'm not going to Hogsmeade, neither is Ronald... you can stay with us if you'd like..."

"No, I really have to go," I tell her smiling, "you know... for Remus and Tonks." I was more excited than anyone could possibly know for this.

"Okay, just... stay safe I guess," she shrugs, "but you won't be alone so that's good."

I promise to watch my back, and leave the three of them in the Great Hall to go finish getting ready for Hogsmeade. I love Hermione, but she stresses me out... I couldn't leave soon enough.

"You sure about those rumors?" Draco's voice came from somewhere in the corridor. I turn to look for him but he's already by my side, he pokes my back, "Weasley."

"It's actually Charlie's..." I sigh, realising I'm unfortunately feeding the rumor mill, "I stayed with him in Romania for a while to learn about dragons." We walk together toward the Gryffindor tower, "and to be honest, I thought it was Harry's when I put it on. All of our laundry gets so mixed up."

"So you and Ha--"

"No!" I punch his arm, and laugh. "Are we, like, friends now or something?" I finally spit out the question I've been asking myself. Seeing in his face that I may have hurt his feelings, I continue, "I mean... I don't remember anything from the hospital. You carried me to Pomfrey and then I woke up one day all better."

"Oh, err..." he rubs the back of his neck, "yeah. We can say that." He nods. "I visited about once a week."

"Rose!" Harry's voice interrupts us. I wanted to finally get some answers about what exactly happened in the hospital. "We're not going to Hogsmeade... I was about to go grab food."

"I already ate, and I'm going to Hogsmeade," I inform him, "Remus might come to talk, something big and good. Tonks wants to hang out too." I was all smiles just from thinking about it.

"Oh... alone?" She screws up his face, "want me to come?"

I catch Draco rolling his eyes from beside me, "I've already promised Mione I would be safe." I pat my brothers arm, "I'll be with Remus. I'll be fine."

"Problem, Malfoy?"

"You tell me, Potter." He snaps back.

"Ladies, ladies... that's enough." I step between them. "I'm going to get ready. Don't kill eachother while I'm gone today." I narrow my eyes at each of them and huff off.

Once completely ready I go out to wait for the rest of the traveling students to go to Hogsmeade. McGonagall stands beside me as she comes outside.

"Just you?"

"I'm meeting Remus and Tonks," I tell her, beaming, "Remus has good news, apparently. Any hints?"

She makes a face, "nothing I've heard." She lowers her voice, "keep me posted. And be careful out there today, come find me if you need anything." She pauses, then continues, "or if you're not with Remus or Tonks."

"I will, Professor, thank you," I smile up at her. She's like a grandmother figure now that she knows about me. It's wonderful. She's not overbearing like Harry, or ever-absent like Remus. She's there, and she cares.

I stood close to the front of the group for the trip off of the grounds. I didn't know where I'd be meeting anyone, so I just explored a little bit on my own.

I grabbed a butterbeer, just because I felt like I had to while I was here. Went into the tea shop to get a cup before continuing to adventure.

Zonkos is much less amusing now than it was before I worked in the biggest joke shop imaginable. It took all the will-power I had to not organize everything the way I would at WWW. I grabbed some candy pranks just to study how they're put together for something I'd like to try for the twins.

Rose EvansWhere stories live. Discover now