Chapter Eleven

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I had several letters to go through before having tea with McGonagall. Well, really not that many... only three. But most students my age hardly ever get letters.  Maybe I'm just lucky.

Little One, Rose, and Tiny Ginger were scribbled across the labels of each letter. Though, on both Rose and Tiny Ginger they also specified Open mine first. So, of course, it's the twins having some silly argument. I set them aside and grab Remus's first.

My Little One,
Oh how I miss you dearly. Dora does too, we can't wait to have you back. We have lots to talk about. How is school going? Doing well in your classes, I'm sure. Is this weekend a trip to Hogsmeade? We'd love to meet you there.
Loving and missing you constantly,
Remus and Dora

My heart was singing with joy at the pure happiness of the letter. I'm so happy Remus and Tonks found each other.

Remus and Tonks,
I miss you both so so so much! Yes of course school is going swimmingly. I can definitely meet you this weekend. Though it's getting a bit nippy out, can we meet inside somewhere? Have a cup of tea maybe?
I cannot wait to see the both of you!
Love forever,

I sigh as I take the next two in my hands. What could they possibly be arguing over this time.  I decide to open Fred's first, since they could possibly be arguing over what we did last time he came to visit.

Hi Ginge,
How are you? Good? Great. Anyway. George is bloody livid that we made a candy without consulting him. He'll get over it of course.
I think he's mostly jealous that we have fun together and he's a sour puss. But really I think he needs to be more serious sometimes. He needs to really think about the candies we've proposed. They're so practical nowadays.
Sorry for ranting to you like this... please drop out of school and come back to us. We are drowning without you. How did you organize all of this AND keep the puffs clean, fed, and happy?!
I'll never take you for granted again.
Wow... still ranting... love ya!

I groan, knowing that George's will be yelling at me. Most definitely.

I understand that you're getting stir crazy at school. But that doesn't mean you can cut me away from business decisions.
We are a FUN SHOP, and nothing you've been up to is as fun as our goal was when we made the shop.
I'm sure Fred has written you a letter complaining about how I'm being ridiculous: but I just want the goal of our business to be maintained.
I'll be there next week instead of Fred, I miss you dearly.

It wasn't as mean as I'd expected... I decide to write back separately since they'd written me separately.

I most definitely will not be dropping out of school. You're mad if you think I would. Make sure you put the puffs before organizing anything, they are ALIVE the potions and trinkets are not.
Stay sane.
I love you,
Your most needed employee

Georgie Pie,
Hello Georgie. I miss you tons and tons.
I really think you should get on board with the candies we've drafted up... they're so cool. Fun and practical. Wouldn't you love to breath fire like a dragon?!
I cannot wait to see you!
Love ya lots,

I fold up all of my letters, label them, and set them aside. In a last minute decision I decide to write to a few more people just because.

Hello! How are you? I hope you're well, Dudley too.
School has been pretty okay, I've had some bad days but I've gotten through them, with Harry's help of course. And my other friends have been wonderfully patient.
I'm unsure of what I'll be doing over the holiday, but I'd reckon a visit to spend some time with Harry and his family is in the cards.
Hope to catch up,
Harry's friend Rose

Rose Evansحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن