Up to You: Reader

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Up to You: Reader
Oof I'm excited so here we go

Rose laughs with delight as the two of you take a stroll down a small lane somewhere in London. She'd mentioned wanting to visit the muggle areas to see what it was like for normal muggles. Of course you being Muggle born as well decided to invite her to visit over the holiday.

You give her a pouch of arcade coins and take her to an old fashioned arcade. They sell milkshakes and burgers, and have all the games you can imagine.

"These are so cool!" Rose giggles, putting her fourth coin into a Frogger game.

"Let's play that one next," you point to a Dance Battle kind of game. Flashy lights, loud music, the whole shebang. "It's my favorite."

"Okay!" She smiles excitedly.

You don't understand how she's never seen or heard of these games before. After all, she'd only been adopted a year ago, right? Was she really that neglected?

The two of you move over to the dance game. You pay for this one, two coins each. The game whirs to life and we both laugh and jump around. Even though Rose has no idea what she's doing, shes surprisingly good. Just jumping around is somehow getting all the points.

"I LOVE this one!" She squeals. "I never knew I could dance! I wish we did dancing at school." She giggles, you smile at her. Her eyes glisten when she laughs in pure joy.

After you've both run out of coins for the arcade you grab some milkshakes. You get peanut butter and Rose gets Strawberry.

"Like peanut butter and jelly," you point out, laughing as you take the first sip.

"We're like peanut butter and jelly!" Rose gasps, "you're wearing a peanut colored shirt and mine is purple!" She laughs taking a sip, her eyes widen "this is so good! Try it!" She shoves it toward you, you swap drinks to try eachothers. With the previous taste of your own still in your mouth, it really does taste like a PB&J.

"I like yours better..."

"We can trade then, I really like this strawberry," you tell her, sipping at the strawberry. She smiles in delight and drinks your peanut butter milkshake.

You walk down the lane with your shakes now in to-go cups. You chat about people you go to school with and your friends. She's really close with Harry Potter, and strangely enough they sort of look alike.

There's a rumor that they're actually siblings but her mum had an affair with their dad's best friend, that serial killer, so she was forced to be put up for adoption... then once Black escaped, their other friend, Professor Lupin panicked and went to find her to keep her safe.

Of course that's all a bunch of bologna... But it doesn't seem too far fetched.

"I don't actually see Remus much," Rose shrugs, pulling you from your thoughts, "I stay with the Weasley's mostly, they're close. Sometimes I go to stay with Harry's Aunt, too... But there's not much room for me there so they're short visits... they have a son and Harry, so their rule is can't stay in either of their rooms." She sighs.

"Oh, are you and Harry an item, then?" You ask, she chokes on her drink, "if they won't let you sleep in the same room..."

"We are NOT an item!" She laughs, but there's a look of disgust on her face, "we... no. That won't ever happen." She shudders at the thought.

"Oh... they just won't let you stay together, then?"

"It's not about trusting us, really... well, not in that way," she sighs, "they think we'll get up to magical mischief like o-- like Harry's mum and her friend did. They don't like magic, at all."

You nod. Honestly just releaved that they aren't an item. The two of you have been getting along so well lately, you don't like the idea of sharing her with Harry.

It's starts to lightly sprinkle as you continue you walk, now pretty far from home. But Rose doesn't seem at all bothered, she looks up at the sky and takes it in.

"I've always wanted to splash in puddles and feel the rain!" She squeals. She giggles and spins in circles as the rain picks up faster and harder.

You join her in dancing in the rain, holding hands and jumping and spinning in circles. You both laugh and yell out in delight as you dance.

A clap of thunder pulls you from your dreamstate. "Come on Rose, we have to get inside somewhere!" You yell over the pouring rain.

"What?!" She yells back.


She shakes her head, "can't hear you!" You read from her lips.

You groan and grab her hand pulling her down the lane. She runs along with you, still slightly slower getting pulled by her hand in yours.

Once inside you both shake off the rain and she rings out her hair.

"I dropped my milkshake." She groans, turning to face you.

Your stomach drops at a familiar mark on her forehead. A place her hair usually covers when it's not wet and matted down. You know there must be a reason she hides it. Without any questions you fix her hair for her to cover it.

Her eyes go wide and she pulls away from your hand, holding her forehead. "I... uh..."

"Sh, you don't have to say anything." You shake your head. "I don't need to know. Don't tell me anything you're not ready to tell me."

She looks into your eyes for a minute, then jumps forward and kisses you quickly on the lips.

"Sorry, I, uh..." she looks down, embarrassed, "sorry."

"Don't be." You kiss her forehead.

You both turn to looking out the window at the rain falling. Soft smiles on both of your faces.

Rose EvansWhere stories live. Discover now