Chapter Fourteen

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"Sirina," Snape rubs the wrinkles on his forehead, "normally, I wouldn't worry... but you have the capacity to actually poison someone." He gently removes the leaves from my hands, "what's going on?"

I groan, "I'm just going to make a fake potion, and convince Ron it's a real potion..." I wasn't sure if it would be a bad idea to tell him it's for a quidditch game. Is that cheating?

"But..." he sighs, "why?"

"Harry wants me to."

"You're giving me a migraine, girl." He stares at me with a blank face. "You need to tell me what's going on."

Giving in, I sigh and begin to explain, "so Ron is out there in the pouring rain practicing for quidditch, Harry asked me if the joke shop had anything to boost his confidence. They don't. So I'm going to pretend to make one to give him confidence. But it won't really give him confidence. He'll just think it does and get confidence all by himself."

"All of this for a quidditch game?" He raises an eyebrow, "a fan, are we?"

I chuckle, "not in the slightest." I shake my head, "but it's for my friends, for Harry."

He nods, "use a beetroot, also," he hands me my leaves back, "it'll change the color and make it look more believable."

"The color!" I gasp, "I didn't even think of that. Do you have any lemons?"


"For the cloudy yellow!" I squeak, rummaging through the fridge.

"This is getting specific," he raises an eyebrow, "I thought it was a prank store potion?"

"Okay, okay," I make a face and turn to face him, "he has to think it's Felix Felices..."


"He doesn't know the side effects!" I squeak, "it'll be fine."

"As long as you know what you're getting yourself into..."

I nod and continue searching.

"You won't find lemons in there," he tells me, "come with me, I've got a bit in my quarters."

"You have lemons?"

He nods. "For my tea."

"You drink tea?"

He sighs and continues to lead me away, locking the door with a flick of his wrist. I'd never been to Snape's quarters before. I followed him, mint leaves tucked safely in my pocket. This was getting more in depth than I wanted to be.

"Wait here," he instructs me as we enter. I nod and wander around his den area. There weren't any photographs or posters or decoration like McGonagalls, only a small vase in the center of the coffee table with no flowers in it.

There were spaces on the walls that looked like photo frames once hung. But they'd been recently taken down. Only a few, but still there.

"Here's a lemon," Snape's voice came from behind me. "One should be enough to tint your concoction."

I turn and take it, "thank you!" I smile and make to leave but he stops me.

"The necklace..." he stares at it for a moment before looking back to my eyes. "Where did you get that?"

I clasp it in my hand, "you..." I shake my head, "it was in the box of things... Mum's things." I had to force the next words to come out, "you can have it back if it was a mistake."

"No." He answered quickly, "wear it. Wear it always."

"Why, will it protect me from the nargles?" I half chuckled but he just stared blankly at me. "It's gorgeous, was it a gift for my mum?"

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