Chapter Seven

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"There's something you're not telling me." The snake of a voice said quietly, but powerfully. "You know things, things I should like to know."

"I'm sorry, my lord... I'm not sure what you mean,"  a low voice responds.

Everything is muffled, none of the voices recognizable. As if listening through a pipe and everything is echoing and gargled. It's dark, nothing is visible... except maybe a dim light somewhere far away.

"YOU'RE HIDING THINGS." The first voice responds loudly now, frighteningly demanding.

"My lord, I've told you all I can," the second responds. An echo of whispers follow, none audible enough to understand.

"Stop!" Something thuds, maybe a chair tipping back or a door against its frame, "stop."

Everything goes silent.

"Stop or I won't do it." This third voice was more timid, less crackled with age and wisdom.

"Now, now..." a fourth voice starts, "you promised —" this person stopped short. Maybe a hand was held in silence, or a stern look shot their way.

"He's a child, his ways are childish..." the first voice begins again, "but, I will oblige. I'll get my way eventually, but for now..." a low chuckle, or maybe a growl, "we can do this his way. I will stop."

The room erupted in inaudible whispers once again. This continues for some time before all falls silent once again.

"Nagini," The first voice calls.

The dim light is getting brighter, closer. Continuously. The room is almost clear now.

"Sirina!" I snap my eyes open to Hermione towering over me, her eyes wild with concern. A glance around shows me that everyone else is still fast asleep and it's the middle of the night. "Are you alright?"

"I'm... what?"  I shake my head. My bangs don't move, proving that they're matted to my forehead with sweat.

"You were speaking parsel-tongue... in your sleep!" She whispers, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"I had the strangest dream..." I crinkle my face up, "I— wait... you called me Sirina!" I squeak.

"Well I tried Rose and Rosie and nothing was working to wake you... I was scared." She frowns deeply, "I couldn't leave you to get Ginny and I had to wake you somehow. Besides, they're all fast asleep, nobody heard anything."

I nod. Thinking back on the dream and all I'd seen and heard. "Harry!" I squeak, "I need to see Harry."

"It's the middle of the night..." she says quietly, "can it wait?"

"No." I stand and quietly run from the room. The tower is dead silent at night, so I tiptoe through the common room and up to the boys dorms.

I enter the 6th year boys dorm and glance around to find Harry's bed. Ron was mumbling in his sleep, something about spiders. Harry wasn't talking like I was, but his face was dark and concentrated. "Harry!" I jump onto his bed, whisper yelling his name, "Harry please wake up!"

His eyes snap open and he grabs my arms painfully hard. His eyes lock with mine and he lets out a puff of hard breath and hugs me.

"The dream," I say quietly.

"I know," he whispers back into my hair. "Did you...?"

"I woke up a few minutes ago..."

"So you didn't see..?

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