Chapter Six and a half

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Ginny P.O.V.

Sirina has been in her own little funk lately. I remember what that feels like. I was practically a baby when Voldemort possessed me... and the hardest part, honestly, was when people found out.

Maybe she wasn't possessed... but the biggest and most important secret of her life was found out.

Every day I quietly hope she'll venture a little further than the day before. Lately it's been from bed to the showers, eating candy and sweets as meals. I managed to get her to come down for a proper meal today.

During breakfast Snape had decided to come back, which probably will set Sirina back into her funk. Soon after he arrived she went back up to the tower with Hermione, the boys following of course. I stayed to make it less noticeable, and I had a small plan of my own.

Knowing Rina probably wouldn't come down to the Great Hall again any time soon, I knew I'd have to start collecting food for her. She's going to lose all of her teeth if she eats anymore Peppermint Toads for breakfast.

"Oi, Ginny, say, what're you doing?" Dean was raising an eyebrow at me from across the table. I think we're dating so I'm supposed to keep him in the loop... but really what am I supposed to tell him? "Hello? Ginny?"

"Err, sorry.." I shake my head, "um it's nothing." I shrug, wrapping up a few food items and dropping them in a bag I had charmed to act as a refrigerator.

"Are you planning to run away?" He laughs, earning added laughter from Seamus, who's always at his side.

"No, it's just..." I sigh, "nothing, really. Don't worry about it." I force a smile and pat his hand from across the table. He was clearly getting frustrated with my dismissive answers.

"What's going on?" His playful tone was gone.

"They're for Rose, okay?" I snap back, "she hasn't been up to leaving bed in a while and I want to make sure she's eating."

"What're you her mam now?" Seamus snorts, shrugging toward Dean looking for his approval. Dean nods in agreement.

I roll my eyes, "I'm trying to be a good friend, okay?"

"Ginny you're too nice, she can fend for herself," he chuckles a little, "didn't she do that most of her life anyway?"

"Don't be a git, Dean," I stand up, "I'll see you later if you're done acting like this." I turn and promptly leave the room not waiting for a response.

"Ginny," a hand grabbed my arm in the corridor.

"What?!" I rip my arm away and turn, "oh, sorry Neville... what's up?"

He blinked a few times taken aback, I'm never snappy at him. "I heard your argument with Dean, are you alright?"

"I'm fine..." I sigh, "he just..."

"Yeah I know," he nodded, "you're a good friend. Always have been." I smile in thanks. "Say... what is going on with Rose?" I opened my mouth to respond but he kept talking, "never mind forget I asked not important."

"You're fine, Neville," I chuckle, "she's just... I can't really talk about it... but she'll be okay."

Neville's always been a good guy to talk to. He doesn't question too much but trusts that we know what we're doing. I mean he even came to fight death eaters with us last term, no questions asked. I mean we even told him that Rose is Sirina and he just nodded and went along with it.

"I get it," he shrugs, "let me know if you need anything, yeah?"

"Yeah, Neville," I nod and give him a friendly smile, "thanks."

He smiles back then walks away. Our interactions are always short, but I'd consider him one of my best friends. I don't really have friends, honestly. Besides Sirina, of course... but even that felt fixed after I found out who she was.

"Hello?" I call into the 6th years dorm upon arrival, "Posie?" They weren't in the tower anymore, so I'd just have to hold onto the food items until they came back. Maybe Sirina and I would have a little picnic for dinner instead of going to the great hall.

Shorty but just wanted to throw this in there because I feel like these are a few little underrated details especially in my books! It focuses so much on Sirina and the Trio that we forget that there are so many other lives being lived.

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