Connor Murphy x Reader (Unedited) // Online

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He toyed with the end of his dark hoodie, before grabbing a couple joints and headed down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Zoe muttered, adding a small "not that I care" after to add salt in the burn.

"Out," he deadpanned, throwing on a random black trenchcoat.

He saw it in her face, the roll in her eyes, the shift in her shoulders, that she didn't care.

"Tell Cynthia and Larry I won't be back for like, a long time."

"K." she shrugged, and went back to texting her girlfriends.

Tonight was going to be a long walk.


Another tiring day of studying and crap.

"Hey, sis!" Ximera, your seven year-old sister, came bounding up to you.

"Hey, Xim," you muttered tiredly, shoving a tired smile on your tense features.

"I heard from Mommy there's this really nice coffee shop downtown. She told me that you should take a break, clear your mind, you know, all that big sissy stuff," she wrinkled her nose and you laughed, the obvious restlessness in your voice.

"Maybe Mom is right. You know what, Ximmy? Sure, why not. I'll go."

"Can you get me a cookie?" Xim's eyes pleaded, a pout crossing her doe eyes.


"YAYYYY!" she screamed, bounding down the house at about 26 miles an hour while you smiled and threw on a random coat and shoes.

It was going to be a long night.


Sitting there, high out of his mind, tired as fuck, was Connor Murphy.

He guessed it was around this time when he started questioning why people existed, why the social pyramid of school, why Y/N could only be a friend, why-

A sudden ping! rang out on his phone, and he sighed, checking who it was.

His breath hitched, the sober mindset trying to fight its way back.


Y/N: omg guess what

Y/N: Connor istg if you don't pick up the damn phone

Y/N: Connnooooorrrrr

Connor sighed, laughing quietly at her eagerness, and typed a brief message.

Connor: yeah

Y/N: I see vute boy from earlier

Y/N: *cute

Y/N: And you, as my loving friend, must see and approve of him

Connor: are you sure you need my approval?

Y/N: not really, imma try and get dis boy anyway.

Connor: hit me


You tried to take a picture, showing mystery boy illuminated by the screen of his phone.

He looked so perfect.


You let out a little shriek, and the stranger looked up, scanning the late night, before focusing back on his phone, head leaning on his hands.

he didn't see you, somehow.

You let out a nervous exhale, half chuckle, half sigh, before sending the picture off.



Connor's thoughts were racing miles per minute as he looked around frantically.

Connor: you're still at where he is, right?

Y/N: yeah, why?

Connor was nearly laughing at this point, fingers slowly typing the words:

Connor: that's me.

"Y/N, where in the fucking hell are you, and this better not be a joke, you little-!" he laughed, standing up, looking around.


"...this better not be a joke, you little-" he laughed, trying to find you.

"You stepped out of the shadows, grinning shyly, phone held up displaying the text messages sent back and forth.

"It's me," you muttered, breathless.

He hugged you, and you spoke in his shoulder, "Of all the ways I expected us to meet, this was not one of them."

"Yeah," he mumbled, still grinning.

A silence ensued as you both let go of eachother, both unsure what to say.

"You think I'm cute?"

You playfully punched his arm and rolled our eyes. "Hey!" you exclaimed. "You were wearing a messy bun with a leather bag and you were, okay!"

"And you were that girl who was staring at me," he muttered. "I certainly wondered why you weren't making fun of me yet."

"Well, as I said-

Suddenly, you were interrupted by your phone ringing.

"Hello?" you questioned.

"Y/N I want my cookieeee," Xim groaned over the phone.

Connor laughed and you rolled your eyes and smiled softly. "I'll be home soon, okay?"


You quietly hung up the phone, another silence following of you and Connor just staring at eachother, smiling happily.

"So..." he trailed off, "Want to go get that cookie?"

"And coffee," you agreed.

He laced his hands in yours, and pecked the top of your head.

This was truly the perfect night.

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