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For every story that has a prologue it has an epilogue. I didn't want to make the book so long such that it becomes tedious to read and the message doesn't stick.

If you've not read from the beginning,just take a U-turn and start from the prologue.

That's my pre final message to you,the post  final one will come after the end of this chapter.

Ok,let's see how this story wraps up.


After transferring schools Tara continued writing poetry,earning recognition from her friends at school and various literature boards. She never forgot about her former school and wrote monthly letters to them encouraging them to persist in unity and push for equality among themselves. Jason on the other hand shifted gears to writing short stories and after a few months his story got published and became popular. He waited for the love of his life , Tara to come back or let's say open her heart to love him. She got so drowned in her work that they lost touch and hopeless Jason got married to one of his closest friends Patricia Jones,a British girl and they got triplets together,but he never got over Tara. He decided to shift his focus to his new family and his work.

Many years later

Claps were heard everywhere in the huge hall. People dressed to their nines,women in ball gowns and men in their suits,and the lighting perfectly done. The prestigious Pulitzer trophy stood in a glass compartment for all to see. The room was buzzing with people in conversations. Tara was clutching to her clutch bag searching for her mom. They were both nominated for the best poems and recently Tara's poem book (remember her tiny pocket poetry book) hit bestseller. She finally allowed for it to be read by the public.

In the process of earnestly searching,she bumped into someone. He looked familiar and his smile was beautiful.

"Sorry Ms. Lapikinsi,didn't see where I was heading,"he apologized. His voice was faintly familiar and his eyes too.

"You look...familiar,you remind me of my friend in my childhood,"she replied her eyebrow raising.

"I can never forget you,Tara,"he smiled and reached for her hand. That touch too was familiar.

"You know...I remember you,oh my! It's you! Jason!" She shrieked in excitement and hugged him,taking him by surprise. He hugged her back grinning.

"I'm sorry I took so long to recognise you,so many years have passed,"she said,pushing her bangs aside. She then looked at his left hand which had a ring.

"Yeah Tara,I'm happily married,"he looked at his ring too.

"How did I not know about the wedding?" She asked in shock.

"I sent you an invitation,but you sent your regrets. I guess you've been busy and I'm glad you've been nominated,your hard work has been paid," he replied. "It's fine Tara,don't start blaming yourself."

"I'm so happy for you! Is your wife here too?"

"Nope,she's babysitting our triplets. They are about seven months now. I would have stayed home,but my mom,her mom and her sister practically flew here when they heard I got nominated. So I had no choice,"he chuckled.

"Oh Tara,glad I found you. I've found our seats -"her mom said then looked at the man standing next to her.

"Mom,you remember Jason,don't you?"she indicated with her hand to Jason,"he got nominated for..."

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