Chapter XIII

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It was two days to the end of the exam,and later on the announcement for the Junior Writers Contest. The practicals were horrific,and most of my written papers were averagely done. Maybe because I'm edgy and nervous about this evening,maybe I'm thinking too much about Jason,or maybe because of my final plan before leaving Never Dale. I just don't know which of these are truly disturbing me.

As I was leaving the school gates,a tap arrested my movements. Just didn't expect them but here goes.

"Invisible Girl! I got a message for you!" Candice drawled. Behind her was the squad,the ever annoying squad. Candice didn't raise her eyes to meet mine,and so as her other minions. What is it right now?

Here we go.

"If you think you've won by submitting the essay exposing us,then you don't know what's next."she paused,raising her eyebrows and coming closer to me,till I could smell her sickening perfume.

"Are you practising threatening,coz you're really failing yourself and your squad you see,"I shrugged my shoulders. I could see her minios quickly advancing to me,while I moved no muscle. Candice raised her hand for them to stop.

"Hahaha,you're really funny,did I forget to laugh?"she snorted,"your final blow,and the hardest will come. And one more thing,thanks for not falling for the dumbass Jason as your boyfriend. Very few can handle his...stupidity,if I may say. Anyway,"she waved her hands at me and did a full twirl and sashayed with her cronies to her car. Cows!

So,letting that not dampen my expectations,I walked-jogged home,and I reached while panting. I was alone,Westley and Kenzie were reading in the library and dad was still at work. It was not 5:27pm yet,that is the time for releasing the results,so I made some sandwiches and poured cold milk into a tall glass. I reached the living room with my food and took out my poetry book. I went through my poems until I found my favourite:

Yes,life has its ups and downs,
Yes,life may not be going perfectly,
Yes,you're truly and honestly disappointed by how things turned out,
But really,you have no choice of how  things will turn out,
And you cannot change what has happened,
The only thing you can do is to take a deep breath,
Accept the situation,
Receive the consequences,
Learn from them,
And move on.

I smiled as I finished reading. This poem was among my first ones I wrote,I don't know why I wrote it but it's serving it's purpose right now.

The computer was right beside me and I decided to switch it on. Damn,I need a new laptop,I feel like I live in the sixties or something,because it takes almost five minutes to boot up which is super annoying.

While I was waiting,my phone rang. Anxiety already filling me up,I shakily picked up the vibrating phone. It would have slipped off my hand if I wasn't holding with both hands.

"Tara,it's your dad...have the results come out yet?"he asked nervously. From the noise in the background I could tell he was in traffic,and he took advantage to call.

"Not yet dad,in the next two minutes,but I'm booting up the laptop."I replied.

"Is Jason there?"

"Why dad?"

"Coz you'll wrote a poem together. Shouldn't you two receiving the results together?"

"He said that he was busy,"I lied. Truth is my dad doesn't know about the whole proposal drama,hence I decided to flow with the saying,let the sleeping dogs lie.

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