Chapter XIV

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"Hear me out today." I started saying,raising my voices over the confusion. No one seemed to listen,as everyone was rushing to get to class in time. But I can't give up just yet.

"Today,you've witnessed one of the many injustices in Neverdale. Yet no one spoke out - "

"That's coz they know who rules here,"a voice hollered. I'm sure that was Violet's voice.

"When your turn comes,you can talk. But so long as I'm talking,you shut up. Got it?"I shouted back,adrenaline heating my body,and I started walking along the corridors. At that point,some people stopped and encircled me. That gave me some hope.

"Guys,aren't you tired of how things are run here? Aren't you tired of the bullyng,the torture and the threats? Don't you think it's about time we talk about this? In the open?"I started.

"You all know me,but you let Candice impersonate me today. I don't blame the reporter,he doesn't school here. But you'll belong to this community,this school. We're supposed to take care of each other,but in reality we're ripping each other apart. You'll know that I was battered and I almost lost my life. You'll witnessed my essay being torn,and in the advancement of technology social media reaches a wider audience. But let's stop making it all about me. Everyone here has suffered from bullying in one way or another. You're put down coz of your talent,coz you're an introvert,coz you're damn smart and such a nerd. Do you know why you're an easy prey to them?

"I realised that they easily pry on the weak,and also on the people who are supposedly better than them. To be honest guys,we're all equal. I didn't ask to be smart or a shy girl,nor you did you ask to love poetry coz it's an age old talent to write them. We've been created with talents to make our world better,not destroy them!"I shouted,then wiped sweat off my forehead.

"Look guys,let's stop being so blind to what's going on,stop being bribed to silence for crying out loud! Decry these horrific moments and let's start afresh!"

"What on Earth is going on here?" Me Orona asked as Candice walked alongside him.

Her father,let me remind you.

"Tara is telling the truth,and I'll support her to stop bullying!" Westley shouted.

"I'll join Westley too!"Kenzie shouted,"I too have been bullied on account of my riches and being blackmailed all the time to fund Candice and her cronies' evil works!"she turned and winked at me. I smiled back.

"I second Kenzie. I too have been bullied,taken advantage of my handsomeness,"people laughed at that,"it's true! But anyway I've been bullied and blackmailed so many times,that I cannot love the person I truly love."he looked down. I knew he was talking about me.

People raised their voices,talking about the instances where they were bullied or blackmailed or abused physically and verbally. I raised my hand and the corridor went silent.

"Mr Orona,you've heard them. Tell us that you'll take your daughter's side and let this madness continue? Or will you take action and change the way things are going?"I questioned looking at him in the eye.

"Take care of how you talk to me young lady,I could serve you with a suspension. And anyway where's the evidence that all these has been happening under my watch?"

"The problem is Mr Orona,"I paused,"that you're barely here! Don't you know that even the teachers fall victim here?"I asked,folding my arms.

"Tara Lapikinsi! You're pushing me to the limit! Address me in a respectful manner!"he roared.

"With all due respect to you Mr Orona,I'm trying to update you on the happenings here,after leaving for God-knows-where. If you want the evidence,everyone has a story to tell. We can even cancel the lessons today,coz we need closure. Let's go to the hall and have a general assembly!"

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