Chapter I

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A month later
"And in conclusion it is a covalent bond," I finished explaining her chemistry notes to Kenzie. It's been a month since we met and it has been such an amazing friendship came up. She's talkative, sweet, friendly girl. And whoa! Isn't she beautiful! She had long wavy blonde hair and long perfect body, but she didn't really care for that coz she ate like a pig.

"Wow! You mean chem is that easy?" Kenzie exclaimed.

"Yap! If you watch many videos on YouTube then you understand the concept faster.And also I can also help you with tutoring. Anytime!" I replied closing the huge books surrounding the library table,which is right next to my home.

"OK... We're done for the day, let's grab an ice-cream and go home," she suggested, "and I'll pay. Don't protest. You tutored me, let me pay you." she said loudly as I opened my mouth to protest.

"You win then. Let's go then!" I replied, coz she really wanted to spoil me.

When we left the ice-cream parlor with our flavors in a pink ice cream cone, we bumped into her former squad. She had been avoiding them and she cursed under her breath when Candice saw her.

" Hey Tasha! Where have you been? Oh... Invisible girl is trying to ooze the influence on you?" she drooled with sarcasm.

"Leave me alone Candice, Tara is my very good friend, she cares for me as a friend should," she shot back.

"Oh! So that's it! You're throwing away our friendship like that? I thought friends talk it out, not running to some... People," she sneered at me at the last word.

"C'mon Tara! This is negative energy I'm spending on," she dragged me to the car, leaving her and her squad speechless.

We rode home silent, the usual Kenzie who is bubbly and full of excitement suddenly is withdrawn and quiet. Kinda like me everyday. I reached out to hold her shoulder. I never have the right words for these kind of situations, so that's the best I could. Kenzie smiled back and gave me a full hug.

"Are you OK Kenzie?" I asked.

"Kinda... You know I don't wanna lose you," she said quietly.

"Why? When you're my only friend?" I asked puzzled.

"Don't fall into Candice and her phony group's pressure to leave me alone, because I don't know what I will do without you Tara. You know I love you very much," Kenzie said quietly a tear rolling down her cheek.

"You know me Kenzie... I will stick with you through thick and thin. And I love you too dear." I replied as we pulled up at my house.


"Westley!!!! Hi!!!" I cried as I saw my tall cousin seated at the porch.

He looked up from his phone and his smile illuminated his face, his dark eyes twinkled in happiness, "Tara!" he shouted. We ran across the porch and gave a deep hug. Westley Berbadoes is one of my closest cousins and friend. He's a year older than me but he's been more of a brother.

He's your tall guy with a lithe figure,very fit and with beautiful shaggy hair and a glowing tanned skin. But I couldn't help but notice the black circles round his sparkling huge eyes.

I looked at the many bags surrounding him. "Hmmm... Seems you gonna be here for a while," I commented.

"Didn't your dad not tell you? I'm joining your school on Monday," he replied as I opened the front door.

Is this for real... I'll have two friends I school?Good bye to the lonely days Tara!I smiled at him, joy overflowing my soul,washing me through and through.

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