Chapter XVIII

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A knock woke me up. Kenzie already left the room so I was all alone in my bed. My dad was leaning against the door,beaming at me,still in his pajamas. He advanced towards the bed and sat at the edge,still smiling. I was feeling odd,first my dad's waking me up on a weekend and two he's smiling,he's normally grumpy. Something was indeed up.

"Tara,I have great news to share with you,but I can only tell you in the presence of your mom. Is it fine if we head to the park after breakfast to meet your mom? In addition to that we need closure with you and explain what really happened when you were young,"he explained.

I smiled at him happy that my parents are talking and are ready to let bygones be bygones. "Mom's in town,and she didn't tell me?"

"She's been here from Monday,but I didn't want to distract you from your exams. So...are you coming?"

"Sure dad I'll be happy to come...what time are we meeting?" I jumped excitedly on my bed.

"At eleven,so that means you need to get ready to leave in the next one hour,"he confirmed from his watch.

"I'm so excited to meet her! I won't delay by even one minute," I shrieked.

"I thought you wouldn't want to meet her,"he raised an eyebrow.

"I think time heals dad. Time heals,"I commented quietly.

"Ok,let's do this!"he said excitedly. I've never seen him glowing in a long time. And I believe it's has been reignited in his heart.


He was wringing his hands in nervousness. We arrived here at the park five minutes before meeting time and my dad was edgy. On the other hand I was excited that our family was coming together at last,that I would have my mom back in the family. The ring on his phone made him nearly jump out of the seat.

"C'mon dad! Relax!"I exclaimed,followed by bouts of laughter.

My dad rolled his eyes and picked the phone. After directing her to where we sat,he started pacing while talking to me.

"I nevet believed that this day will ever come,I felt so bad divorcing your mom,and even adding lies so that my case is stronger,so that I could have full custody over you. Your mom still wants to be with me,and she misses me a lot! What do I deserve so that I behold the best moment happening in my life."

"That's the past dad,we now focus on the present and the future so that we can leave a legacy to the remaining which will be the next generation." I encouraged him.

He smiled at me and squeezed my hand,his eyes shining with tears. I didn't know what to tell h at that point so I squeezed my hand back.

"Hey Oscar,sorry I'm late,"the unmistakable voice of my mom resounded in the quiet park.

My dad jumped up and embraced her,and that took some bit of time,I guess to compensate for all the years they've been separated from each other. They kissed also,which was really cute. I have to capture this moment,so I took a video.

They pulled away from each other and smiled at each other,my mom wiping the years falling from his eyes while my dad kept on repeating sorry and I miss you. My mom was glowing,I've never seen her so happy in my life.

Thank God my dad's never seen or dated another woman,hence this moment felt pure and sweet to watch.

My parents turned to me and I stopped filming. My mom broke from my dad and walked up to me. I stood up and hugged me,now she was sobbing,which made me also sob. Soon after my dad came and enveloped the two of us in a huge bear hug. Lemme be honest,this was the best feeling in my life. It's like I've found my identity,I know who I am,and no one can change that. And the reason why was bullied was a misunderstanding of identities,which suddenly became so clear at this moment.

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