Chapter IX

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I put all my books in the bag,all ready to go back to school. My dad insisted I stay at home for an extra two days before I return back to the gruelling days ahead.

I suddenly burst with inspiration and I entered the bag to get my poetry book...

Where on earth did I place it?

I turned my room upside down inside out displacing everything. My wardrobe,all my hoodies and my drawers were wide open. I was feeling  extremely furious and very angry almost blowing the house due to the building fire when a knock kinda subsided it.

"Ready to...whoa! What's going on here? Looks like a tornado passed through here!" Westley exclaimed as he put his backpack on his shoulder.

"I've lost something important to me!"I wailed." Just go West,I'll rumange the whole house until I find it. No one should find it before I do!"

"Can I help Tara?"

"I don't want anyone to know that I have it in the first place!"

"You don't trust me?"

"It's not that I don't trust you West but it's something personal that I would like to remain a secret. You go ahead...I'll make you late for school."I turned to him.

"Tara,if dad finds out..."

"Tara,let's go!" I heard my dad tell.

Well...that means I'll continue the search committee in school,maybe I must have placed it in my locker by mistake.


By the end of the day I still didn't find my book. The last memory was around my locker when I stopped my books and also when I was brutally attacked. And I did not check that area. Maybe I should...


I turned behind my back and saw Jason. Thinking he was going to taunt me,I walked off quickly towards that area.

"Wait Tara...can I talk to you for a minute?"he asked.

His voice sounded more of a request than a command. That made me walk back slowly to him. I raised my guard so high that he couldn't even attempt to jump over.

"What?"I barked.

"Glad to see you in school,doing much better,"he started.

"Well,obviously I'm doing well,breathing in oxygen and respiration taking place,"I shrugged in reply.

"Whoa Tara,I'm just finding out how you're doing!"he backed from me.

"I know you were and I've given a satisfactory reply. Is there anything else you want?"

"Actually I want to help you Tara."

My right eyebrow shot up as I held my hand at akimbo."Really?"

"Yeah,I apparently heard that you lost a book?"

No,I didn't tell anyone about losing a book.


"Nothing,I just thought you lost a really important book to you,and I wanted to help."

Is this bait he's trying to throw? For starters,no one in school knows about this so...

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