Chapter X

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Monday evening
The school day ended Candice squad,no bumping into Jason. I got to hang out with Westley and Kenzie during all the breaks and I felt super happy just being in their company. I'm happy for Westley because he's become more responsible,due to the obvious fact that he's the father of the baby. If Candice's squad knows then they haven't attacked.

By the way my father happily allowed Kenzie to stay with us until Westley is stable enough to get a home for his new family to move in.

I reached my locker and my phone buzzed at the same time. I opened the locker first,put my books down to pick the phone.

Then a paper caught my eye.

A threat note...again? My heart was pounding when I took the note from the floor. Why can't they just come before me and talk? Or do they actually fear me?

"Hey me at the swimming pool complex...I have your book."

The note had no sender,and I cannot recognise the handwriting. It could be disguised as a boy's handwriting but maybe it could be a girl (Candice's squad members)and ...I don't know...maybe I am being paranoid about this.

I just want to find my book. And I told myself I'll give my life to have it. So I'll go ahead and get it.

The text was from Westley telling me that he's accompanied Kenzie to her first antenatal clinic so they'll be home later than usual. I was tempted to tell him that I too might be late but I'll have to explain to him that I own a poetry book and he'll scoff me.

I picked my books that I'll need for the night and locked my locker. I prepared myself to face this unknown sender,and do whatever it takes to just get my poetry book.

You may be wondering why I attach so much importance to this book. Let me give a back story.

My mom(who I currently hate,more of miss if I may put it that way)loves poetry alot. She has an Instagram account solely for poetry and she posts the best of quotes and lines. She encouraged me to start writing since she saw my talent at four. On my sixth birthday which was the last I celebrated with her,she gave me money and encouraged me to buy a journal where I keep all my lines and stories. It has been with me through my elementary school up till now,it knows my sorrows and happiness and it understands me the way no one does. It's kinda like a secret book that I won't let anyone read,until I die. I actually have a bookmark stating the fact so that my wish can be fulfilled.

I got to the swimming pool complex faster than expected. Classes ended way long ago and the place was deserted. No,I could see someone swimming. I swallowed a stone and went to the bleachers to wait for the 'custodian' of my poetry book,and hear how on Earth they got it and hid it all this time and also swear this person to secrecy until I die,or maybe I may be late and may have sent screenshots to all and sundry. I'm pretty scared at the moment.

The someone came out of the pool,and it was a guy. He went to the side and took his towel to dry off. He then looked up and must have seen me and waved. Feeling awkward I waved back with a little wave.

He disappeared into the changing rooms and took some time in there. It was comforting that I wasn't really alone this time and if I'm attacked at least one guy could save me(if he's not blackmailed by the horrific squad).

Fifteen minutes later he came out and he advanced upwards towards me. And I knew my end was coming. When he was so close to me,I suddenly recognised him.

"Jason!You!" I exclaimed. This was quite unexpected though.

"Oh hey Tara,glad you honoured my invitation."he sat on the bleacher above me,I had to turn upward to see him.

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