Chapter IV

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Two months later
Kenzie, Westley and I went to the teachers' staff room to submit my essay for the writing competition Ms Greens told me to try. The two were extremely happy for me coz I'm finally doing something with my life. But I didn't know that obstacles bring out the worst in people.

Candice's squad were advancing in the opposite direction I mean our direction. They looked like they had one mission: destroy everything in their path.

I turned to Westley and Kenzie on my left and right pleading with my eyes for them to turn around to avoid them. But they looked determined to fight the battle ahead of them. I quickened my steps,just a few paces to the staff room, submit this essay and take flight.

But the squad seemed to read my plans because Candice's minions advanced to block the staff room door. How did they even know that I'm even going there?

"Tara! No... Invisible Girl... Glad you made yourself visible again," Matilda, a dark skinned, bushy hair, full of sass girl said, obviously with sarcasm.

"What do you want bitches?" Westley came in front of me, hissing.

"Oh... Me? Nothing... Just to..." she said smiling wickedly, looking at the file I'm holding.

"For the love of God! Leave Tara alone! She's done nothing to you, and if she did you guys can talk it out."

"You two... Stay out of this... Especially you Kenzie. You may be away from our group, but we sill hold you dear." Tatiana replied, playing with her golden locks.

"Oh... West! Where have you been? I told you to leave Invisible Girl alone, she's making you disappear more and more," Violet asked. She was literally faking shock.

"Whatever Violet," he muttered under his breath.

"OK, enough with introductions... Give me that," she nastily said as she advanced close to me.

"Wwwwwhhhaaaaatt?" I stammered terribly.

"The file duh! You know everyone knows Invisible Girl is finally trying to be visible through this damn writing competition. We just want to confirm that it's upto this school's standard because, we don't want embarrassment." Candice replied moving closer to me. I know something bad is going to happen."

"Westley and Natasha, step aside," she commanded, and the two didn't budge, "if you know what's good for you dearies," she added sweetly.

Funny that the two looked at each other weirdly with some sense of communication. Then they did something shocking. They stepped back leaving me vulnerable and defenseless. I looked in confusion but they kept their heads down.

" Give me the file right now," Candice hissed. Without giving another thought I handed it to her, my hands literally shaking. She grabbed it and opened the file.

"The essay is about... Bullying... Oh! You're bullied? And you've put a case study... Probably of you duh!" she looked at her friends in amusement. They giggled in response.

"Let me show you what happens when anyone and I mean... ANYONE tries to rat out. Seems you don't really care about winning, because there's more to write about," she turned the papers horizontally and... This is too painful to even say, but let me do this. She tore my submission, literally in half, quarters and eighths... And she put them back in the folders. I was frozen because I was paralysed by her action. She just... I felt like a sharp sword driven through my heart and I was bleeding. She dropped the folder on the floor, knocked the door! and she sashayed off with her devils, dusting her hands. I heard giggles from everywhere and people whispering as I knelt down to gather my destroyed essay. And at the same time the staff room door opened.

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