Chapter XVI

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"So that's what happened?"

"Yes dear,your dad took it wrongly and he never gave me a chance to explain."she sighed out.

"Wow...I apologise on his behalf,he was trying to protect my younger self from the glare of Hollywood rumours...but wait!"a light bulb lit suddenly.

"What dear?"my mom looked at me with her eyebrow raised.

"I now understand why Candice always bullies me,I mean it's not right but I finally get it!"I replied excitedly. Which means I finally get closure with her.

"What do you mean...I don't get it!"my mom grasped my hand.

And so do you,those who have been following my story. The long and short of it is that my mom hid from my dad that she was acting with Candice's dad in a highly compromising scene in a popular show at that time. When the series finally came out rumours had it that the two are together,and when my dad heard that he became furious. He sadly believed the Hollywood rumours rather than his very own wife. What complicated matters even more is that a baby was born in the series,and that made him even more furious and was highly suspicious of her. I get my dad was trying to protect me because I was too young to understand what is going on but to the extent of divorcing her, he let things go too far.

"Wow...that's a girl who had too much pain buried in her heart,"my mom spoke sadly of Candice,"maybe she thinks you're the baby in the series,"she added.

"But it makes a whole lot of sense right now,and I'll talk to her about it. You mom also need closure with dad,even if you'll never get back together,"I suggested strongly.

"What if your father doesn't hear me out,or Candice not listen to you and says it's all made up?"she asked. I guess this is where I got my critical self from.

"We can try,and if they block us,we don't force issues,"I replied,"if this doesn't work,then that's fine. This means that you're coming with me back home,"I added.

"I have meet-and-greet session on Monday afternoon,so I can't stay for long,"she said.

"Ok,let's do this,things need to be straightened out once and for all,"I smiled encouragingly at my mom,and held her hands tightly.


The plane landed home at six thirty in the morning,forcing me to adjust again to different time zones,since it was almost ten in the night here. Oh my,I don't think I wanna travel out again but again...

After clearing with the necessary authorities we,I mean Jason,mom and I stepped out in the night sky. We had agreed between mom,Jason and I that no one tells my dad that she's here but shell show up the next morning randomly then we all act dumb unless he sniffs the truth out of us. Which we hope will never happen.

I spotted my dad on the phone. I waved wildly at him,a sign for my mom to disappear. He raised his face and smiled as he finished what he was doing on his phone. Jason and I briskly walked pulling our suitcases.

"Tara! I'm so happy to see you back! Three days without you wasn't a joke,"he exclaimed,hugging me tightly.

"Don't tell me that the couple bored you to death,"I laughed referring to Westley and Kenzie.

"Oh my,if you didn't come soon,I would have actually left them the house!"he laughed back.

"It cannot be that serious dad,"I continued laughing,picturing the scenario in my head.

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