Chapter VII

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"OH Tara! You're finally awake!" Jason shrieked. Jason smiled, such a cute smile. (sorry... I meant... Just a smile... Know what I mean?)

Westley came over to my bed and hugged me. His eyes glistened with tears of relief and he quickly wiped the ones that were falling.

"You've been out for two days! Those girls have tortured you... Why though? What have you, such an innocent girl done to those evil girls?" Westley asked quietly as he stroked my hair.

First I'm in shock that Westley is here... Before me! He just... Disappeared! I had so many questions to ask him, but he put a finger on my lips." All I want you to do for me is to recover from all these bruises and pain then I promise you... I'll tell you everything. "  I quietly nodded my head... I was already feeling tired from just opening my eyes already.

"By the way... Jason is my buddie my good friend... So don't be suspicious of his presence here," he chuckled nervously. He knew why, he knows I hate him with a passion.Infact..whats he doing here ...shouldn't he be celebrating his and the squads victory .I'm sure that they think i'm gone forever that they can continue terrorising everyone who don't do whatever they want.

Awkward silence.

"Umm... I brought McDonald's, so help yourselves," Jason shrugged as he put down the trays holding the packages.

I swear I was going to gracefully turn down the food brought by this thick stupid handsome (what? Did I just say that?) human, but my stomach betrayed me and growled loudly. The guys laughed loudly and Westley snorted at the end. Urgh! The hell now!

"Thought someone was ravenously hungry," Jason commented with a chuckle.

"You shut up and give me my food!" I snarled at him but he did not wipe of his amused look! Oh my lord! Will I survive?!

After food was dished out we ate in silence. I didn't really notice the silence, coz I was wolfing everything on my tray. In minutes I was sipping my vanilla smoothie as I was observing my new surroundings. Walls painted metallic grey with one large sliding window. The light was over decorated with the huge chandelier. The bed was covered with white and grey bedsheets with a huge black duvet. There was a built it cabinet, closed at the moment.

"Thanks man. For all you've done. I'm so grateful," Westley said after finishing up lunch.

"I got you. You really saved me back there and I owed you a huge favor," Jason replied with a somewhat a solemn look on his face. What's this 'huge favour'? My curiosity increased.

"I'll just check how your wounds are doing Tara," So now he's a doctor? Wonders never cease.

"Nah I'm good," Speaking for the first time near him, without defending myself. That's... New.

"I have to. I've been observing you since we got here-"

"And must have enjoyed caressing me? I'm surprised no rape occurred," I shot back. One among many for the torture you made me go through.

"Tara!" Westley shouted his face registering horror, to my utter disappointment.

"Anyway I would  have raped you, your cousin just loves you too much. I accepted to house you coz I was repaying a favor!" he replied, his eyes ablaze with fury.

I must have pushed it too far. Yes, Tara you did.

"Now can you let me check you or I drop you at the nearest hospital?" he asked with an air of finality. I almost replied in the affirmative but the whole process of filling in the forms, that mostly needs my father, the same one I'm trying to hide from now. OK Jason you won, but next time...

" OK sure, "I shrugged my shoulders to signify defeat. Westley shot an amused (wait, amused?) glance at me, and I had to bite my lip to stop myself from laughing.


Next evening
" When is today? "I asked as Westley re-entered the room. He had just come from walking Justin to the gate.

" Today is Thursday. "

" When did I come here? "

" Monday evening, why?"

"Just getting a range of time and-"


"Isn't dad back already?" A shiver ran down my spine. What am I doing here? If he knows I'm not home... No he won't!

"Wait! I thought he was out the whole week!" his eyes widened in horror.

"He shouldn't see these wounds," tears rushed to my eyes and Westley came to where I was sitting, "I swear everything is gonna be fine, lemme check-" he felt his jacket pockets, "I have no money for a taxi!" he exclaimed.

Nah... I hadn't lost hope.

"What time is it Westley?" he turned his wrist.


"One hour and thirty minutes away. How far is home from here?"

"About an hours walk."

"Ok let's go! We're going home!"

"Are you crazy? " he shrieked

"Well I'm going alone... I don't want dad to find out I'm not home," I shrugged my shoulders.

"I cannot let you go alone! OK... Let's go then," he opened the door and helped me out.


Needless to say we reached home safely without being caught. Or we thought we weren't...

"You OK?" Westley asked.


"I'm thirsty"

"I'm parched too...wait for me here and I'll get some drinks."

I remembered the door was locked and I opened my bags to get the house keys. I inserted the key and turned to open...but surprisingly the lock was already released. Oh my Lord... Probably we've been robbed. But the door seemed fine,so I shrugged off that thought and stepped in anyway.

I entered the kitchen,opened the fridge and grabbed two sodas. As I was closing the fridge I heard weird noises from above,and it indeed confirmed my fears. We're indeed robbed!

I decided to confront the thief once and for all. Using the two sodas as my weapons I advanced up the stairs slowly,fear pumping my heart to beat faster.

I soon reached the top and slid to the left of my father's room,the source of the noise. I fearfully waited as I raised my weapons in position, ready to deal with this thief once and for all!

Suddenly the door opened,and suddenly I stood in the thief's way. I smashed the first soda on my left hand upon his shoulder,and my right was ready to hit his head flat. The thief roared in pain and Westley was by my side telling me to stop. My vision cleared and it dawned in me...

I had brutally attacked and father!

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