chapter 18// Pancakes r good

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The day was a good one, Japan, America, Canada and confederacy, were playing games, Canada and confederacy didn't have the best friendship, But as Canada got to know Confederacy more then just his complaining, and America acting so chill around him, Canada decided to let the past go.

"Hey Japan, do you have the stuff to make pancakes" Canada asked, "yup! do you guys want to make pancakes?" Japan said happily. "YES!" America yelled, Confederacy looked at the 3 confused. "dude, Canada makes the best pancakes in the world! you have no idea how good they are!" America said happily. 

"Japan can you show me were the stuff is?" "of course!" she said as Canada and her stood up.

Ha you thought i was going to write a good chapter? well your wrong / i have writers block :'> 

next chapter i will make long but idk when i will make it.  

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