chapter 5// Vodka man

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Russia POV

back to the beginning of the day

It was like every other day, my alarm beeping in my ear. I got up to get ready i walked to my closet and got into my clothes my white shirt with blue stripes and a pair of pants,

I heard some new kids moved in to the block Ukraine was excited, and so was Belarus, I didn't really care.

I grabbed my backpack and headed to the kitchen my two sisters were there eating breakfast. I sat down by Ukraine, my dad, USSR then walked over to me and put down a plate with pancakes on it. "Thanks dad" i said more tired then i meant to. 

"Someones sleepy" He said Playfully, I chucked a little, then ate my breakfast.

Me and my sisters waved bye to our dad and started to walk to school, we were almost there when we heard some one yell.


I saw Japan running up to this kid, then hug the air out of him, then she turned to a kid that was walking ahead of the and yelled,

"OH, is this America-san?"

he said, something but i couldn't hear him, then Japan turned to the 2 countries behind the one with a leaf, we walked up to them and my sister Ukraine yelled "Hello!" the maple leaf one was the first to respond "Hi" he said with a wave i looked past them to see the one Japan called America walk into North Korea. And North Korea turn to him.

I saw their mouth moving but couldn't hear him, i thought that kid was gonna get it, what i didn't expect, was for China to walk up and put his hand out for him to shake it, i saw he did and China smile at him.

He then turned to who i guess is his brothers and said "Hey guys, i'm gonna walk with my new friends" and the kid my sister was talking to said "Ok, Ame" as he waved.

We ended up walking with them till we had to go to are classes i learned there names were Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and America.  i went to my classes like normal,

                                          skip  time


i had finished my second class, it was lunch as i was walking to the lunch room i felt some one punch me in my stomach... hard,

i fell to the ground and pushed my back up to the wall, I looked up to see China and North Korea smiling down at me, they did this every day i should know better then to walk alone in the hallways   then down the hall i heard a door open,

I felt relived because i know they wouldn't do this  if there was someone in the hallway then the smiled again "hey America, over here" I saw the kid look at them then at me, looked confused, but he walked up and stood by China, he smirked at me, i saw that the America kid wan't smiling but he was wearing glasses so i couldn't see his emotion.

China looked at him "Hey, America, how about you prove to us you're, our friend"  America looked at me, then China said " you know what to do"

I saw the kid step towards me, i was scared but i was trying to hide it, then he put his hand in to a fist and punched me under my eye.

I hissed at the pain, and put my hand over my eye. China and North Korea, snickered at my pain. America just stood there, i couldn't tell for sure, but he looked shocked. then China said "good job, America, now lets go to lunch" the kid turned to them and walked with then to the lunch room,

I slowly stood up, i saw he looked back at me one last time then made a turn.

Before i went to the lunch room i went to the bathroom i checked were he hit me, dang he hits hard "agh" i said, i knew this was gonna leave a bruise, i could only hope that it wouldn't be  visible, then i headed to the lunch room.  I walk in and see China and North sitting at 'their' table, and of course the new kid America.

Great a new bully to deal with. I saw Germany waving me over, so i went and sat down with them," hey Russia, were you been?" Poland asked, as she ate her mashed potatoes, but i wasn't paying attention to her, i was looking at that American kid, Germany must of noticed, " What did they do this time?" Germany said "hm? oh.. nothing they did nothing just some cheap threats."

I said faking a smile, but of course Germany wasn't buying it "come on, Russia what happened?" he said stricter "come on Germany they didn't do anything." i said as i turned to him. bad move, he must of noticed the bruise slowly forming on my face.

" Lier! they hit you!" Germany whisper yelled, and he looked mad.

" which one did it?" Germany said, geez Germany can be  scary when he wants to get an answer, i sigh "... it was mister candy cane over there" i point with my thumb, it was kinda embarrassing for some one shorter then me, to be able to hurt me so bad. Germany stared at America.

America POV

I was sitting with N!Korea and China thinking about what happened in the hallway 'were North and China bullys?' 'am i a bully?' 'or was that kid a bullying and North Korea and China were getting him back?' i lost focus when i noticed a kid with yellow on the bottom red in the middle and black on top staring at me. i don't think he new i noticed  till i turned my head turd him.

He glared daggers at me, then turned away, i was confused till i saw he was sitting by the kid in the hallway. He looked sad- of course hes sad i just punched him in the face. i looked at China and North they were both done eating and were on their phones, i looked at North he looked like he was blushing a little, i looked down at his hand.

I saw China had his open hand on top of Norths hand, China was smiling as he was on his phone, and North was trying to ignore it glance down at his hand then back at his phone, then he noticed i was looking at them with a lenny face, he quickly pulled his hand away, China noticed this, he looked at north then saw i was looking as well, he looked at me a winked.

China grabbed Northes Hand again, North getting flustered again not daring to make eye contact with me or China, i just chuckled forgetting about what happened in the hallway.


yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa chapter 5 done and more ships and ya poland is a girl in this fight me

words: 1183

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