Chapter 4// bad meet

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America looked to see who he bumped into, "oh, sorry dude, i wasn't looking" they were the same height as America was, "who are you?" they said, it caught Ame of guard, the kid said it so coldly, the kids flag was mostly dark  blue with a red line through it and a star eyepatch thing.

"Im America," Ame tried saying happily." well 'America' maybe, i should teach you a lesson"  America froze in fear, " North Korea, calm down" a kid said walking up behind him, he was a little taller then America, but not a lot, his flag was all red with some yellow stars  in the top left " Hi, America, my names China, its nice to meet you, i guess your the new kid."

He said holding out his hand for America to shake it, witch he did, "Sorry, about northie over there" " Don't call me that, Mister Ching Chong" North Korea said as he glared and China, China just chuckled at that, " So America, want us to show you around the school?" " uh, Ya that'll be great" America said with a smile, he turned to his brothers," Hey guys, i'm gonna walk with my new friends"  America said " Ok, Ame!" Canada said waving.

It looked like his brothers were talking to some people, but America wasn't paying attention to see what they looked like.

                                                           time skip brought to you by: vodka

China and N!Korea had shown Ame were most of the stuff was but they had to head to there classes Americas first class was in Math.. great America thought. Ame made his way to the Math room first, when he walked in he walked up to the teacher and ask were his seat was. 

The teacher pulled out a seating chart for each class, Ame thought that it will be useful for later, Ame thanked the teacher and walked to his seat, he checked the, chart turns out in the next class he sits in between N!Korea and china which is english class after that in social studies he sits by some kid named Russia.

Ame thought that name was cute- cool.

Then the bell rang for all classes to start

                                                 time skip my people

The bell just rang for kids to get to there next class America walked out of the class room before he went to his next class America decided to go to the bathroom since China showed him around he knew were the bathrooms were.

America walked in to see Canada fixing his raccoon hat thing,when he saw America walk he practically yeeted himself to hug Ame.

"I haven't seen you for an hour and 30 minutes!" Canada wined, " geez Nada, its only 90 minutes" America joked, Canada stopped hugging him. "yaaaa, but after your next class come sit with be at lunch.""Ok Nada" America sighed, then America and Canada parted ways America made sure his sunglasses covered his eyes, then left to his next class.

You had 10 minutes to get from one class to another, so everyone had some free time at the start of each class, when America walked in the room only a few people were there "OH, HEY AMERICA-SAN!" Japon yelled, if any one was in the class they were all now staring at America and Japan, America sighed, as he made his way to his seat "Hey, Japan" America said,

America sat down and got out his phone, he noticed some more kids come in and some looking at him, but something he didn't understand was some of them looked.. worried?

Then he saw China and N!Korea come in, he saw some kids looking at them nervous, America was confused, some kids looked nervous as China and N!Korea went over to their desk China smiled and waved at America, who smiled and waved back, some of the kids in the room looked surprised, and Japan was staring very confused.

America checked how long till class started, 6 minutes. He decided to write his number on a paper and toss it to China so they can text each other.China opened the paper and then pulled out his phone, soon America got a text on his phone 

:Hey Ame'

                                                                                                                          hey China:

:hey, is it ok if i give Northie ur number?

                                                                                              nope, but go right ahead:

Soon America heard the bell ring to start class

                                                             time skip yeet


english class had just ended but America stayed later to work on some stuff he didn't get. when he was done he thanked the teacher and made his way to the lunch room, then he heard his name being called out by China, he walked over to China when he got there he saw N!Korea, and China, but he saw someone on the ground pushed up against the wall, he was holding his stomach, America looked at China and N!Korea, who were just snickering to themselves, the kid on the ground looked like he was trying to hide his pain, his flag had red on the bottom blue in the middle and white on the top,

" Hey, America, how about you prove to us, you're our friend"America, didn't know what to do but he walked up to China and stood by him,once Ame did this China smirked at the poor country on the ground, who looked scared but tried to hide it.Then China looked over to America, "you know what to do" China said with a smirk on his face.

America knew what China wanted him to do.America walked a little closer to the poor country who was holding his stomach, Altho  America didn't want to, he didn't want to risk getting bullied by China and K!Korea, so America put his hand in to a fist.

and hit the country on the ground right under his eye


I deleted this whole a/n 

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