Chapter Two - Damn Eraserhead

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Warning: Suicide Mentioned


"Fuck, no!"

Okay, I get it. I'm supposed to respect my elders. My mom tried to force that down my throat. It hardly worked. All Might did disrespect me first, though; therefore, I have the right to go back at him. I did feel sorry when he started coughing blood. I have some sympathy! Like, I have one percent sympathy for him!

"Excuse me?" All Might asks, struggling to accept the truth.

"My previous statement is 'I am going to become a hero without a quirk just so I can show the middle finger to all the heroes who said otherwise, including you.' It's possible. Just watch, All Might." I walk past him.

"I wish you luck, Young Izuku." Jeez, he made himself sound so old with the Young part.


"Hey, mom!" I enter the apartment. It's a simple apartment with all the rooms a regular place should have, including my bedroom.

Mom responds, "In here, Izuku!" She is in the kitchen. I go into the kitchen, seeing my favorite dish on the dining table. Katsudon. OH JESUS, THANK YOU FOR YOUR BLESSING! I'M GLAD SOMEONE FEELS SORRY FOR ME BECAUSE YOUR FATHER CERTAINLY DID NOT!

"It looks great, mom dearest!" I say, giving her a side hug while pulling out plates. We sit down, do a little praying (not that it works for me), and eat.

While we are eating, I would like to describe mom. Otherwise, you won't understand me all the way. My mom is one of those really protective moms, where they will try to limit you as much as possible. This leads to mom believing my quirklessness is a disability. She tries to treat me carefully, and I hate it. There is a reason I'm a rebellious teenager! Mom wants to support my dreams, but she doesn't want me in danger. That includes her not wanting me to be a hero. I love her a whole bunch, but damn! She is one of the main reasons I'm going to be a hero so I can prove her wrong. Being quirkless is not a disability. If anything, I bet I can beat a majority of the kids with quirks at my school, and I have. I got to practice fighting somewhere!

Mom looks at me with a worried look before saying, "So I saw you on television." God, want to pick me up now? No? Okay then. I get it's her job to worry, but come on!


"I know that nobody was doing anything, but All Might was coming. You have to wait. Sweetheart, what you did was dangerous."

"Technically, life is dangerous always. I'm just knocking at Death's door every time I walk by because I think he is lonely." If you ever need to get out of trouble, do comedy. It might work 5% of the time. It didn't work this time because she is glaring at me.

"No, leaving the house for the weekend, and you're giving me your phone." Damn it. I hand over my phone, say goodnight to mom, and attempt to go to bed.


Okay, let's be honest. That hella isn't going to happen. I was born with the ability of rarely needing sleep much to the dismay of Mom. At midnight, I made sure mom was sleeping and climbed out the window. Oddly enough, even though my mom is over-protective like a bear, she has never caught a lot of the things I have done. Don't ask me how. She just has not. It's not like I hide it either. We can't be salty about that, though. If she did catch me, I would be fucking dead!

Back to reality, I'm at Dagobah beach, or, to anyone else, the dumping grounds. I heard it used to be beautiful, but then it went to shit literally when garbage started appearing. You would think the government would get to cleaning it, but no — lazy dicks. Welp, someone has to do it!

My Hero Academia: When All Hell Breaks LooseOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant