"Oh? You said a lot of things. Which are you referring to specifically?" She asked innocently.

"Come on!" He whined, dropping his head back. "You know what I'm talking about!"

By this point, Hyun-Ji was outright laughing at his bashfulness. "You're saying you may have overdone the dirty talk a bit and are now having a moment of post-climax clarity?"

"Yes. Wait, you say that like I didn't mean it! I still meant it!"

"I believe you, but why the nervousness about it now?"

"Because we have to get through college first and I didn't want to make you feel like I was rushing you. I never want to make you feel pressured to have another kid."

The sincerity in his voice was heartwarming. Hyori was a handful.

"And I think we should get married first," he continued.

"I agree with both," she smiled, holding a bite of food out to him to eat.

Relieved, he smiled and began to eat as she fed him. Comfortable silence followed, only broken by grunts of approval from both father and daughter over the tastiness of their respective meals.

"When are we getting married?" He asked between bites.

Hyun-Ji slowed her chewing, taking her time before answering. "I was thinking of after college."

"That long?" His voice was soft and threaded with disappointment.

The conversation was a sensitive one that she had admittedly avoided whenever the subject was broached. It was one she still wasn't ready to have.

"We don't have to rush, right?" She asked gently.

"No, we don't, but I just think that four years or so is a long time. I want us to be official."

"We are official, baby."

"Yeah. I know..."

Hyori had emptied her bottle and he transferred her to his shoulder where he silently patted her back. A few burps later, he began again.

"Is it me? Is it something I'm doing wrong? I mean, I know that I want you... physically... a lot... but that doesn't mean I'm not serious about us. Because I am. I love you, and you and Hyori mean everything to me."

The sentiment made her heart constrict. This was why she had always steered the conversation in a different direction whenever she saw it coming. It wasn't that she didn't want to get married, because she did.

"Of course not, baby! You're perfect, and you mean everything to me too. But we're so young. What if we grow apart? What if one day you get tired of me and don't want me anymore? We haven't even been in a relationship officially for a year yet. What if you learn something about me that you can't stand? Forever is a long time."

"I would never think that, Hyun-Ji. I don't care how long or how short our relationship is. I want you and only you. I want us to be permanent."

"We already are, Jungkook. Getting married isn't going to change my commitment to you. I'm already committed to you," she said.

"And I am to you," he agreed.

"So what's wrong with waiting a while?"

His mouth pressed into a straight line before he answered. "Nothing, Princess. Nothing's wrong with it," he finally sighed.

✔️ Unconditionally [Book 2] | Jeon Jungkook Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt