The Ruler Of The Castle

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Well, the rest of school was quite a breeze.  Sabriel kept following her like a lost little puppy dog though, and she was not amused.

Not one bit.

“Sabriel, would you PLEASE stop following me?” Angelle groans, turning around to face him.  Sabriel plasters on a grin.

“Not a chance, you’re my guide for the day, while I’m your ride, so fairs fair!” Sabriel says, tilting his head to the side.  Angelle throws up her hands and lets out a loud sigh of defeat.

“Alright, fine, lets just hurry up, we have one more class,” Angelle mumbles shooting Sabriel a glare.  He grins and nods, following closely beside her.  Angelle shakes her head and runs her hand through her hair.

“What class do you have right now?” Sabriel asks, looking at Angelle.  She huffs.

“English,” she says.  Sabriels face lights up dramatically.  “Let me guess...”

“I have english too!” Sabriel says with a laugh.  Angelle groans and turns around a corner.  Sabriel stumbles and quickly turns catching up with her.

They walk in silence to class, the door already open.  There were a few girls who glared at Angelle for being so “close” to the new kid, while the guys just decided Sabriel wasn’t gay.

“Hey bro!  Come sit with us!” One of the guys yells.  Brian.  Sabriel blinks and looks up.  He smirks and whispers to Angelle.

“Well, looks like I’m being flagged down.  Catch ya later,” Sabriel says, before walking towards the guys who are all grinning.  Angelle rolls her eyes and sits up in the front away from both the males and the females.

Angelle sits there, closing her eyes as she opens her binder.  She sighs and pulls out her book.  After a loud yawn and rubbing her eyes she opens her book reading.  A few minutes later the bell rings and the teacher walks in.

“Alright class, get out your books.  We have silent reading for ten minutes!” The teacher barks.  Almost everybody quickly sits down, getting there books. 

Alright, well, the teacher was once in the army.  He was the drill sargeant, so he doesn’t stand for anybodys shit.  You either listen, or do 50 push ups.  Most people would rather listen than exert any physical activity.  He was a nice teacher when you got your work done, but if you never, then look out.

Angelle sighs, reading her book.  The entire class was quiet.

“Sabriel Mauricio?  Could you please come up front here,” Mr. Adams says,  staring intently into the mass of students, waiting for any sign of movement.  Sabriel soon stands up and walks down the rows, dropping a peice of paper on Angelles desk.

“Yes, sir?” Sabriel mutters while standing infront of Mr. Adams’ desk.  Mr. Adams looks at him.

“Your new here soldier.  I’m Mr. Adams, and I assume you know your fellow pupils already,” Mr. Adams says.  Sabriel nods.  Following suit, Mr. Adams nods as well.

“Sir, I don’t have a library book, so,” Sabriel starts before being cut off.

“Angelle, escort Mr. Mauricio to the library. Be back in 10 minutes,” Mr. Adams says, looking back down to the papers he was looking over. 

Angelle groans silently, rising from her seat, walking over to Sabriel.

“Yes sir, lets go Sabriel,” Angelle says, walking to the door.  Sabriel nods and as a joke salutes Mr. Adams.  To his shock, he saluted back.  With a grin, Sabriel trots up to Angelle, walking her out of the class.

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