This Is Helpful

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Adira's POV:

"Mom misses you." I said.

"I miss her to." A single tear slid down Helena's cheek as she drifted closer.

"Why are you still here?" I asked. "Mom never stopped loving you. She has been waiting a long time."

Helena took a deep, and unneeded breath, sitting down on the side of my bed. "I can't, not yet at least."

Taking another drag from my smoke, I slowly blew it out forming a thin cloud to drift around my room. "Is this about the diadem?" I asked.

She nodded shakily another tear falling down her cheek. "I was tricked. A boy tricked me into revealing it's location and stole it, defiling it with dark magic."

I would have scoffed at that had I not known it was turned into a Horcrux. If there's anything that can be classified as truly evil, it would be a Horcrux. 

"Your regrets are weighing you down and keeping you here." I observed. Letting out a sigh I took another drag. "I will purify the diadem, I believe I already know where it is. But you need to move on sister, It is not healthy for spirits to remain in this world. The only reason you are still sane is because of the magic in this castle."

Helena rapped her arms around me squeezing lightly, one of the perks about being half dead is you can touch ghosts. 

"T-thank you." She cried into my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her, careful not to drop my smoke and just let her cry.

"That's what family is for." I may not be particularly comfortable with hugging, what with Death being my father and all the other characters in my life. I think the first hug I can remember was when Cissy found me those few years ago.

"I will be here until you are ready." My words just made Helena cry harder.

It was a couple minutes of being wrapped in each others arms before Helena stopped crying. It felt nice being wrapped up in someones arms, I should do this more, except with less crying.

Sitting up Helena gave me a grateful smile before stroking my hair and standing up. "I'm here for you as well Adira. I hope you enjoy your time here."

"Thank you." I said with a small smile. "And I'm sure I will find something to entertain me here. There are already a few things I can think of."

Helena laughed softly floating out of the room. "Stay safe. I don't want to see your spirit floating around these halls." She joked.

A quick Tempus charm, I saw it was getting late and decided to get some sleep. Finishing my smoke and putting my book away, I picked up Cuddles, setting him on my stomach, and went to sleep.

The first week of school went by pretty quickly. Classes weren't to challenging, which I didn't think they would be with the amount of studying I have done over the years. 

The only two classes I enjoyed were Rune's and Potions. Transfiguration was okay, I got a laugh out of Professor McGonagall scaring the students with her animagus form. Charms was okay except for Lily giving me curious glances all class. 

Astronomy wasn't terrible, but it was quite boring, having learned about the constellations years ago. It was very peaceful though and did enjoy just sitting and gazing up at the stars while Professor Sinistra talked with her calm and soothing voice. 

Herbology wasn't terrible either but it wasn't as enjoyable as when I get to work on my potion ingredients at home. Professor Sprout was nice though, and actually helped her students, unlike a certain Potions Professor.

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