The Year Before The Storm 1

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A/N:        I have changed this to a harry and bellatrix fic. I am contemplating multiple pairings so just message if you want to see anyone else.

Adira's POV

Waking up after having a needle puncture your face thousands of times isn't fun. But i have to day, the runes' definitely working. My vision is so sharp and clear. My mind is working twice as fast and my memories are perfectly clear like they just happened. With this Occlumency and legilimency will be a piece of cake. Getting up from the chair i make my way over to the mirror as i study my new sensations. It appears that all my five senses have improved, if only slightly as well. 

Standing in front of the mirror my mouth drops as i study my new rune tattoo. I have to say, i look pretty bad ass. Once i get some more no ones gonna think about messing with me. I already know what i'm gonna do next but my body needs time to adjust to this new one. I don't know how much time passed as i was passed out but probably only a couple hours. Running out of the room i search the house to show father my new rune.

Running into the kitchen i found him preparing some food and judging by the sun coming through the windows its most likely supper. I jumped into his wrapping my arms around his waist and exclaiming "daddy, daddy i did it, i did it. Look, look, see i did it perfectly."

Turning to look at me his face was one of surprise as he took in my face. "i have to say, i didn't think you would be able to actually do it. You never cease to surprise do you." He said as he ruffled my hair.

Puffing up with pride and sticking my chest out i heard him chuckle at me. "Supper will be ready soon. We'll be going out after to do some errands." At my questioning tone he continued. "Well i know how you've been doing some research with business and thought we might get you started. You really do have some good ideas about it as well. Make sure to put something on worthy of a proper business owner. We'll be going to Gringotts." Jumping excitedly i jump back into father's arms giving him my patented bone crushing hug.  

I have been doing extensive research into business because i need to establish some political stature for when the time comes to reveal myself to the world. Father still hasn't taken me to Gringotts to do the blood inheritance test. I'm gonna need whatever galleons i can get to start a steady business. If there isn't any in the inheritances i get i will have to start selling some of the magical artifacts I've been collecting from our travels. But i like my knickknacks so i'm hoping there's money somewhere.


I was actually a tad disappointed at Diagon Alley. I've been to some magic shopping districts before but they weren't in an alley so what did i expect. Though the stores do look nice, but i want to check out knock turn alley. I overheard some people talking about it being the darker side of the place. That's more my cup of tea. All these people talk about is how great the light is and how anything dark is evil. I probably looked insane when i burst out laughing at overhearing someone say how evil werewolves and vampires are. This country's really backwards in there beliefs. It was also hilarious at peoples expression of my rune. At least i have my charms on or they would freak even more.

Definitely my favorite part of Diagon is Gringotts. The snow white marble building is beautiful. Walking into Gringotts me and father walked up to the nearest teller that was available. 

"Hello sir," father said. "We were hoping to be able to take an inheritance test for my daughter here." He lightly pushed me forward as the goblin looked up from his papers.

After a few seconds of being thoroughly scrutinized he said, "wait one minute, i will be right back." The goblin made his way to a pair of heavy double doors and disappeared inside. Coming back out a few minutes latter he was flanked by another goblin and with how they interact he seems to be his Superior. "Greetings," The second goblin said. "my name is Ragnok. Will you follow me and we will get everything ready for your inheritance test."

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