You Are Still Loved

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Adira's POV:

Sending a small smile to Bella, I made my way to the Ravenclaw table. As I finally sat on the, actually quite comfy bench, the hall instantly broke into loud chatter. 

The people already at the table moved a tad farther from myself, and the ones that were sorted after chose to sit as far from me as possible. 

I thought at least one person would be curious, or brave enough to sit next to me but it appears not. The wizards of most other countries were actually very enthusiastic to meet me and discus some of my creature heritage. 

Britain apparently has become just another bigot and racist filled country, it's why we never stayed long in Italy, the Vatican has field days whenever something 'less than' human comes near them. 

As the sorting finished, Dumbledore gave a very stupid speech, before announcing the feast to begin.

Grabbing a little of everything from around me, I set to eating, only after changing the pumpkin juice to a nice red wine. Cissy, got me into it after finding out since i'm half dead and half Fae, that regular alcohol doesn't affect me. I think she wanted a drinking partner to rant about Lucius to. I still don't understand why she is still with him, but then again she doesn't have anywhere else to go if she did divorce him. And she loves Draco to much to leave him with his father alone.

Some people would get a little iffy about seeing an eleven year old drinking wine but then their humans, and they go by human standards. I don't.

The food was actually quite good, not as good as Meadows, but then I did hand pick the chefs. House elves are wonderful creatures but they lack a lot of the more exotic flavors. 

Thinking back to the conversation I had with the hat I am now dubbing, Flappy, I began to wonder how much it must know with being able to enter the minds of every person it has sat on. Flappy must have a massive amount of secrets, it made me wonder how to get to them.

As I continued making evil plans, I looked around the great hall to get some ideas about the different students. The first two that caught my attention are the infamous Weasley twins. I had heard about them on the train, apparently they fancy themselves the best pranksters since the Marauders. Although I cant say the Marauders were anything other then bullies.

Next, my gaze settled on the whole of Slytherin table, who are not giving as subtle of glances to me as they suspect they are. Only Daphne, Blaise, and Tracey, I would even think of talking to, what with them not being stuck up pansy's like the rest of their house. I mean really, the little blonde shite Malfoy, was still fussing over his hair in the reflection of his spoon.

The Ranveclaw, table is quietly whispering, or what they think is quiet, about me and if I am related to the Hogwarts Ravenclaw, and why I'm not wearing the school uniform.

I was about to take a bite of sweet potato when a surge of malice and truly dark magic washed over me. Trying to be as subtle as possible, I kept eating but gave a small glance in the direction it originated from.

Sitting at the staff table, a man in a turban that was sweating quite a bit, was shooting fleeting gazes over Henry Potter. Immediately, the aura surrounding the turban and the man in general, plus his hardened gazes at the-boy-who-lived, I drew three conclusions.

First, it's a death eater, and with the glances, most likely hostile. Secondly, It's just someone who studies the dark arts to an extreme extent of only studying them exclusively, and has been wronged or annoyed by the boy. And lastly, he is a shade of Voldemort that is possessing the man. 

With my own experience in the dark arts and my knowledge of Voldemort, I would have to go with the third option. Dark magic comes with a price, be it your own magic for casting the spell, blood, a sacrifice, the list goes on. But the aura surrounding the turban and that of the man screams of unjustly paid magic. No wonder Voldemort went so mad, he's been trying to cheat magic itself. 

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