Start of Something New

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Adira's POV:

Before making it to my intended destination i ended up walking past a pet shop and realizing I haven't got a familiar yet.

Deciding to check out the store i made my way inside. I was instantly captivated by all the different animals inside the store.

I quickly found myself in the reptile section gazing at all the beautiful creatures. That is until i spotted one exceptionally captivating snake.

I instantly recognized the species. A Black Mamba. Usually they have a darker back with a light stomach but this particular one is a pure matte black throughout it's entire body.

Stepping closer to the tank holding the snake I made sure no one was close before I began speaking to it (well it is more like hissing at it).

"Hello there." I hissed.

The snakes head instantly snapped up to my face giving me its full attention.

"Hello ssspeaker, what do you need from me?" It hissed back.

'Judging from its voice it is a female' I noted.

"Do you have a name?" I asked.

"No I do not ssspeaker." She answered swaying her head side to side. 

"Then how about I give you one?" I suggested. Thinking for a minute I finally came up with the perfect name. "Cuddles!" I exclaimed to the snake.

I wasn't sure if snakes could scowl but I'm guessing that's the look she just gave me.

"Oh come on." I hissed. "It'sss an amazing name."

"I don't think I like your tassste in namesss but I will relent." She said.

"Perfect!" I cheered. "Now why don't we get you out of thisss tank and you can come live with me?"

"I would be honored to ssserve you ssspeaker." She answered.

"Great." I cheered again and paid the shop keeper for cuddles but there was something else that caught my eye. I remembered I still needed an owl, and I think I found the perfect one.

Perched in the back corner of the store on some shelves is a beautiful pure white snowy owl. I already have the perfect name.

I made my way through the store over to the owl. I was extremely happy when it decided to come down and land on my shoulder.

As I was petting its head and happily talking to the owl I was interrupted by who I recognized as the shop keeper.

"I've never seen her take a liking to anyone as long as she's been here." He said scratching his chin. "I'll tell you what. For buying that snake off my hands and with the clear bond she seems to have with you I will give her to you for free."

"Really!" I exclaimed. "Thank you, thank you thank you!" I shouted giving him a hug and picking up all the necessities I will need for her. Finished with my shopping I left the store with a cheerful goodbye from the shop keeper who I learned was named Richard.

Turning to the bird on my shoulder I pat her head gently and with a happy tone declared. "Your name will be Peaches."

I heard Cuddles snicker from her place coiled around my arm, and what sounded like a resigned hoot from Peaches. 

With that established I happily skipped through the Alley and into my final stop before getting my wand.

Skipping through Gringotts lobby with an owl on my shoulder and a snake wrapped around my arm, I turned heads. There was also the slightly annoying tickle I feel from the shrunken objects and books from the Alley in my pockets.

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