The Year Before The Storm 3

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Adira's POV

Its been a little over two months since our trip to Diagon Alley. Ragnok, true to his word got Tom to sell the Leaky Cauldron, as well as set up the high end restaurant in London. The new and improved Leaky Cauldron has been up and running for a few weeks and is going exactly according to plan. We have a steady stream of muggle as well as magical customers. The restaurant I named Meadows is still not open yet because of finding good staff and management. I've left the hiring of employees to Ragnok and took it upon myself to do the designing. I took a high end design with lots of glass features and dark colors with dim lighting. I have to say it looks quite classy.

I talked to father about the Peverell ring adorning my pinky finger and he gave me the speech of his boredom and the Peverell brothers. He really likes to make a mess of things when he gets bored. Two years ago in south america he decided to give a dark artifact to tribe and gave little whispers to the other tribes in the area. It's safe to say his boredom almost always ends in death. 

I have to say though i'm still reeling a bit at all the new things happening in my life. I mean finding out your now a descendant of Morgana Le Fay is mind blowing. But so is being Deaths daughter so I can't say it tops that. Although i wouldn't give anything for the life i have now. I have a loving if aloof father and I've friends all over the world. And I've even started my own businesses. 

But what i'm reeling from the most is the image of that angel I saw in the middle of Knockturn Alley. I can't get the image of her out of my head. I just can't believe I fell in love with her with a single look. Its not that she's a girl or anything, I actually have only been attracted to girls its just for it to happen so suddenly. I've never fallen in love before and it just happens on a girl i don't even know. But I have to admit, i'm happy it was her, but I think that's has a major part to do with the fact it was her.

In my free time when i haven't been working on the businesses and thinking of my angel i have been practicing mind magic. I have finally made progress in my occlumency barriers. They work for now but i will need a lot more practice before i'm happy with them. I haven't really done any legilimency, it gives me a bad taste in my mouth. It's pretty much mind raping someone and it just gives me the willies. I don't think I will continue with that. But I have also been studying some other forms of mind magics like truth seeking, and harmonizing. 

Truth seeking reads another's magic to distinguish between truths from lies. Not many people have even heard of its existence so I will be one of the only people to have this magic. Harmonizing is to feel your magic and how it flows through your body. This allows you better control over your magic and how much you put into a spell. 

Masters of this ability can even feel the magic of others and in rare cases the world. As well as suppressing your magical signature from others. I've been struggling on my truth seeking but the harmonizing is coming completely naturally to me. But the thing that's weird is the book i read the magic from says your magic core should feel like a miniature sun inside the center of your chest. 

But I have two, one is like a black, sun giving off the familiar feeling of wizards magic I have had my whole life. The other is much smaller and appears to be slowly growing. It makes me feel warm and safe. It feels similar to the nature of the earth instead of the magic wizards use that is closed off to only themselves.

But this feels open like it want's to reach out and touch the world. Father says that's the Fay magic I inherited and that once it awakens it will do just what i described. It will try and connect with the magic of the earth and expand its core significantly. He also thinks it might change my other core as well somewhat, although he doesn't exactly know how.

I also learned that with my core being black, it means my magic is more suited to dark magic. That's not to say I wont be able to cast light magic but that it might be significantly harder. The Patronus charm for example is a heavily based light spell that draws its power from your happiest memories. 

That will be the first spell I attempt when i finally get my wand. I've seen some peoples Patronus's and they were so beautiful. The Patronus charm is like calling upon your spirit animal in a sort, but it's made out of light. I can't wait to see what mine is.

I've also been training extensively with using a sword. Father found me a teacher to give me lessons. Although these lessons are a lot harsher and harder then regular sword training. Father said if I was to learn, I was to learn from the best. The style i'm learning is something my teacher calls blade dancing. It actually suits me really well. 

The style itself is formed like a dance to always be moving in fluid and graceful motion. No unnecessary movements or breaths. The best way to achieve a perfect dance I found is to put myself in a meditative state and drown out all unnecessary information. I train for hours everyday and i'm still nowhere near as good as my teacher. And i haven't been able to get the sword, bracelet, thing to move from my wrist. I think it is waiting for me to be worthy.

I know that sounds so cliche but from the reading I've done on magical weapons a lot of them that are associated with the Fay have a sort of will of their own. They like to choose their own users. 

I just can't wait until I turn eleven. I will get my own wand, and I will get to go to school. I just hope I will see my angel again soon.


A/N: sorry this is a bit short but I've been pretty sick and figured i'd post what I've got so far. I have been contemplating starting a Clexa from The 100 fanfiction. i would keep this as my main focus but post on that story when i'm trying to work out some plot lines in this. Tell me if your interested in that at all. i will right the first chapter for it and post it to soon and you guys can see if you like it at all. 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. New one out soon. 

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