Meeting Family

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will be switching between first and third pov

Third Pov,

Harry woke the morning of his fifth birthday to the sounds of excitement and laughter. It's always the same he thinks to himself. Getting out of bed and stretching his joints with loud pops resounding through the room made him laugh. He never got used to that. 

He slipped some clothes from his closet on and made his way to the bathroom. He leans on the counter with tap running staring into the mirror. Electric green eyes gazed back at him with raven black messy hair and a lightning bolt scar above his brow. There was always something he felt wasn't right, something more then the scar. Almost like his skin wasn't right but he didn't know what it meant. Splashing some cool water onto his face he brushed his teeth and made his way out and down the stairs.

Making his way from the stairs toward the lounge room where the noise was coming from he halted in his steps. Through the entryway he watched a seen that broke him for the final time. His mother and father, as well as Sirius Black his god father and Remus Lupin, were playing and watching as his brother Henry opened his presents. It wasn't this scene that broke him no, he had seen this enough times for it not to matter to him anymore. It was that there wasn't one present for him. The only he looked forward to was that he always got one thing for his birthday usually a book of spell craft because their to busy trying to teach his brother and don't have time for him. 

He would read those books and memories them front to back to try and impress his parents. He is extremely gifted in that he can comprehend difficult subjects with relative ease. Even if he could only start reading them last year. The books were symbol to him that he wasn't forgotten completely and was still part of the family. But now it was Henry opening the last present, a book. That's what finally made him decide he wasn't part of this family anymore. They didn't want him, they didn't even talk to him more then twice a week. So he ran back up to his without anyone even paying him a thought as he gathered his books and everything he will need and want, putting in a book bag with a expanded space inside. 

He opened the window and climbed from the second floor of his old home. Landing on his feet he took off to the forest but not before giving one last look over his shoulder before disappearing into the forest. 

He has been exploring this forest almost everyday when he's not reading so he knows it like the back of his hand. It takes him more then three hours of walking to make it to his new home. He makes out of the thick forest and into a clearing with a beautiful tree stands proud in the center. The tree has no bark and the wood is white as bone with absolutely no groves or imperfections on its surface. the large and elegant branches hold breathtaking void black leaves that seem to eat the light of the moon. 'they really do though with photosynthesis and all,' Harry thinks to himself.

At the base of the tree is a small hole that runs under some upturned roots. That's Harry's destination. He makes his way to the hole and crawls through into the familiar little dwelling beneath the tree. Laying in the far corner of the small dwelling are some old blankets he's brought from previous trips when he slept here. There isn't enough room for him to stand so he crawls his way to his blankets and lays his bag beside them and curls up underneath the warm clothes and drifts to sleep.


The next time Harry slowly came into consciousness he noticed he wasn't in his little dwelling. He found himself groggily looking around to see azure blue flames burning a beautiful swirling and twisting pattern into the black stone layering the ground. It was only a few feet away and yet it didn't burn nor hurt his skin but felt warm and comforting. Taking a look past the flames he realized he was in the clearing surrounded by the trees of the forest but the great tree wasn't here. 

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