The Storm Begins

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Adira's POV:

The morning of my eleventh birthday started off with excruciating pain. I was jolted from my sleep when my magic began to flare uncontrollably. Which was quickly followed by mind rending pain. Apparently i missed the memo on my magic and creature awakening would hurt so much. Although it probably has something to do with my witch magic core absorbing a foreign entity that has been residing inside my forehead. That resulted in my core expanding from the magic absorbed by what father said was a soul fragment of dear Tom. 

Yes, i have known for quite some time about Voldemort and the stupid prophecy that could be interpreted in hundreds of different ways. Although i didn't know i was a horcrux until today. Apparently my magic core when awakening sensed the foreign magic and the only way to get rid of it was to absorb it into itself. I don't think Tom was expecting to become my breakfast if the ear splitting scream inside my head is anything to go by. 

And that isn't even mentioning my Fay magic. You would think when your magic connects to that of the earths it would feel good. I also missed the memo of the fact the earth would play tug of war with my magic core. Now that was an experience. I have to say it's worth it though. With my training in harmonizing. I can feel the magic flowing through my room as i try to catch my breath from the pain. The magic of my room is quite dark if i do say so myself. Probably because of all the artifacts and dark books lining my book shelves. But there's also a pure magic, untouched by human hands and left with a wild and honest nature. 

I can feel my creature magic core has grown significantly. Although with my which's core's snack it is still the smaller of the two. With that i slowly sat up from my bed swinging my feet over the edge to touch the floor. My room is fairly large with my bed in the center of the farthest wall from the door. The bed itself is decked out with purple and white flowered blankets and pillows. The walls of my room are covered with bookshelves and pieces of art with a bay window and seat to the on the right wall overlooking a gorgeous garden. The parts of the wall that are visible are a bright purple that goes well with the ash black book cases. The window has matching curtains to the blankets on the bed as well as smaller pillows making for a nice spot to read.

Being the daughter of Death you might think i would like black more. I do prefer darker clothes although I can't say I don't have a lot of purple in my wardrobe. I also can't say I might not be a tad insane. But who isn't if there willing to torture themselves for hours. 

Getting up from my bed I made my way out into the hall and into my bathroom. Father gave me my own the first time he walked in on me after a shower. The look on his face was priceless. I turned on the shower and studied my reflection in the mirror while I waited for the water to warm up. 

My doll like features, with striking crimson eyes framed by waist length, snow white hair, and blood red tattoos around my eyes that run down the length of my neck makes for a breath taking image. I also noticed my scar is almost gone. 'I guess since the magic in its gone it will finally start to fade' I thought to myself.

Not to forget my deathly pale grey skin, that makes my red features stand out all the more and my pointed ears sticking just out of my hair. Raking my eyes down from my face I study the rest of my figure. I'm glad to say I have a captivating, athletic build with small, but noticeable breasts, and abs. Although I am below average height for my age, something father won't let me forget. (picture at start of this chapter)

Weapons and martial arts training do wonders for the body. Noticing the steam coming from the shower I take my night wear off and hop in careful not to slip this time. Chinami, my weapons and martial arts teacher really did a number on me this past year. I'm still not at her level, that's years away but I am skilled enough to put most martial artists to shame. It helps when you learn all the techniques as fast as i can. 

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