Care To Dance

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Adira's POV:

I never thought about it until now but with how many times I've been to Cissy's house, I've never seen Lucius or Draco. 

Don't get me wrong, I'd prefer not to. With the little interaction I had with Draco at Madam Malkin's .

I just find it... odd. Maybe Cissy thought I wouldn't like them being around when I wanted to see her. She would be right.

Waking up this morning that, was the first thing that came to mind when I heard unfamiliar, masculine voices, coming from somewhere in the house.

Cuddles was still sleeping curled up on my stomach and peaches was on her perch, cleaning her feathers.

Smiling at my new friends, I got out of bed and made my way into the bathroom. I quickly tugged off my pajamas and hopped into the shower.

Fifteen minutes later I stepped out and got dressed. I threw on a white, crop top, denim shorts, and a beige cardigan showing off my toned muscles. It took me a while to brush out my long hair and tie it up in a high pony tail.

Thinking about what my encounter with Lucius and Draco might entail, I grabbed some of the extra smokes that Cissy keeps stocked here in case something like this happens

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Thinking about what my encounter with Lucius and Draco might entail, I grabbed some of the extra smokes that Cissy keeps stocked here in case something like this happens. 

Sitting down on the warm, hard wood floor I took out one of the smokes from the pack and lit it, taking a long, comforting drag.

Almost instantly I felt myself calm, and begin to relax. 

Looking at the smoke in my hand I took a minute to appreciate it's usefulness. 

Taking another drag from the smoke I decided to do some work.

I still have some design's to go over for the new company. I wanted to start off most off with some of my own design's so the new designer's Ragnok hire's know what I'm looking for.

I really don't want to have to micro manage them. 

It didn't take long to put the final touches on the clothing, and motorcycle design's I thought up. I'll leave how their going to make it up to the others.

It really is a blessing leaving all the hard work to Ragnok. Of course his assistance isn't free, but it's well worth it.

With that thought I put out the finished smoke, threw on my charms and made my way to see what awaits me outside my room.

Walking into the dining room where I heard all the noise coming from I was greeted by a mouth watering smell.

"Good morning Adira." Cissy said, after noticing my entrance. "Would you like some breakfast. We were just getting started."

"Yeah, thanks." I replied cheerily taking a seat at the large dining table. It just so happened that I ended up seated beside Bellatrix. Catching the appreciative glance she cast me I couldn't help but smile.

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